import; import; import; // Tokenizer class. // // CONSTRUCTION: with a Reader object // ******************PUBLIC OPERATIONS*********************** // char getNextOpenClose( ) --> Get next opening/closing sym // String getNextID( ) --> Get next Java identifier // int getLineNumber( ) --> Return line number // int getErrorCount( ) --> Return error count // ******************ERRORS********************************** // Error checking on comments and quotes is performed // main checks for balanced symbols. public class Tokenizer { /** * Constructor. * @param inStream the stream containing a program. */ public Tokenizer( Reader inStream ) { errors = 0; ch = '\0'; currentLine = 1; in = new PushbackReader( inStream ); } /** * Gets current line number. * @return current line number. */ public int getLineNumber( ) { return currentLine; } /** * Gets error count. * @return error count. */ public int getErrorCount( ) { return errors; } /** * Get the next opening or closing symbol. * Return false if end of file. * Skip past comments and character and string constants */ public char getNextOpenClose( ) { while( nextChar( ) ) { if( ch == '/' ) processSlash( ); else if( ch == '\'' || ch == '"' ) skipQuote( ch ); else if( ch == '\\' ) // Extra case, not in text nextChar( ); else if( ch == '(' || ch == '[' || ch == '{' || ch == ')' || ch == ']' || ch == '}' ) return ch; } return '\0'; // End of file } /** * Return true if ch can be part of a Java identifier */ private static final boolean isIdChar( char ch ) { return Character.isJavaIdentifierPart( ch ); } /** * Return an identifier read from input stream * First character is already read into ch */ private String getRemainingString( ) { String result = "" + ch; for( ; nextChar( ); result += ch ) if( !isIdChar( ch ) ) { putBackChar( ); break; } return result; } /** * Return next identifier, skipping comments * string constants, and character constants. * Place identifier in currentIdNode.word and return false * only if end of stream is reached. */ public String getNextID( ) { while( nextChar( ) ) { if( ch == '/' ) processSlash( ); else if( ch == '\\' ) nextChar( ); else if( ch == '\'' || ch == '"' ) skipQuote( ch ); else if( !Character.isDigit( ch ) && isIdChar( ch ) ) return getRemainingString( ); } return ""; // End of file } /** * nextChar sets ch based on the next character in the input stream. * putBackChar puts the character back onto the stream. * It should only be used once after a nextChar. * Both routines adjust currentLine if necessary. */ private boolean nextChar( ) { try { int readVal = ); if( readVal == -1 ) return false; ch = (char) readVal; if( ch == '\n' ) currentLine++; return true; } catch( IOException e ) { return false; } } private void putBackChar( ) { if( ch == '\n' ) currentLine--; try { in.unread( (int) ch ); } catch( IOException e ) { } } /** * Precondition: We are about to process a comment; have already seen * comment-start token * Postcondition: Stream will be set immediately after * comment-ending token */ private void skipComment( int start ) { if( start == SLASH_SLASH ) { while( nextChar( ) && ( ch != '\n' ) ) ; return; } // Look for a */ sequence boolean state = false; // True if we have seen * while( nextChar( ) ) { if( state && ch == '/' ) return; state = ( ch == '*' ); } errors++; System.out.println( "Unterminated comment!" ); } /** * Precondition: We are about to process a quote; have already seen * beginning quote. * Postcondition: Stream will be set immediately after * matching quote */ private void skipQuote( char quoteType ) { while( nextChar( ) ) { if( ch == quoteType ) return; if( ch == '\n' ) { errors++; System.out.println( "Missing closed quote at line " + currentLine ); return; } else if( ch == '\\' ) nextChar( ); } } /** * After the opening slash is seen deal with next character. * If it is a comment starter, process it; otherwise putback * the next character if it is not a newline. */ private void processSlash( ) { if( nextChar( ) ) { if( ch == '*' ) { // Javadoc comment if( nextChar( ) && ch != '*' ) putBackChar( ); skipComment( SLASH_STAR ); } else if( ch == '/' ) skipComment( SLASH_SLASH ); else if( ch != '\n' ) putBackChar( ); } } public static final int SLASH_SLASH = 0; public static final int SLASH_STAR = 1; private PushbackReader in; // The input stream private char ch; // Current character private int currentLine; // Current line private int errors; // Number of errors seen }