Chpt.1 - Getting Started with ASP.NET - What is a drawback of the HTTP protocol? - How ASP.NET work to address that drawback? - How Does an ASP.NET page get rendered? - What does an ASP.NET control look like and what are its attributes? - What are the different Windows in Visual Studio? - What are the differences between a website and a project site? Chpt.2 - Creating a Website with Web Forms - What are the different typr of files that can be created? - What are the different places you can add programmability? - What happens wen you request an ASP web form? Chpt. 3 - Styling you pages with CSS - What are CSS rules and how do you create them? - Understand the different type of Selectors. - Unerstand how to combine selectors. - The CSS Box Model. - How to add CSS to your page. Chpt. 4 Working with ASP.NET controls - How do Server side controls emit HTML code? - Programming against server side controls. - What is a Postback? - What are the type of Simple Controls? - Understand the View State and how it works. Chpt. 5 Programming your ASP.NET Web Pages - Creating an Array. - Collection Objects. - Creating Geneics ofr a Data Type. - Loops/ Decision statements - Object Oriented and Inheritance. - Events and .NET Controls Chpt. 6 Creating Consistent Looking Sites - Master Pages - Using a Centralize Base Page - ASP.NET PAge Lifecycle Chpt. 7 Navigation - Relative and Absolute URLs - Overview of Menu Controls - How does a redirect work? - How does a server transfer work? Chpt. 8 User Controls - What is a User Control? - How do you add a user control to a page? - How does a client ID get generated? - Adding Objects to the ViewState programmaticaly. - Checking for First Load of Page. Chpt. 9 Validating User Input - Obtaining data from the user and the QueryString - The Validation control - ASP.NET Validation Controls - The File Class ------------------------------------------------------- Covered After Midterm- More emphasis will be on Final ------------------------------------------------------ Chapt. 10 ASP.NET Ajax - AJAX general concept. Why and how does it work? - UpdatePanel,ScriptManager controls - Web Services (WCF) - How do you create teh server side web server method? - How do you call a web service from javascript? - How do you handle multiple objects being returned from a web service. Chpt. 11 JQuery - JQuery basic,group and combine Selectors - JQuery Basic Filters - JQuery Modifying the DOM (css and attributes) - JQuery binding an event, such as mouseover to a function Chpt. 12 Databases - Whats a relational database? - C.R.U.D Operations, what's their purpose - Select, Join, Updates, Inserts - Relationships / Keys Chpt. 13 Displaying and Updating Data - What are Data Bound controls? - Gridview, DetailView Control - Gridview Lifecycle - SqlDataSource Control - Understand / Writing code with ADO.NEt provider and SQLCommand Chpt. 14 Linq and ADO.NET Entity Framework - Basics of Linq / What is it? - Describe the Entity Framework - Describe Model Binding - Whats the difference between Bind / Eval when working with template based controller