Sensor Based Liveness Verifications for Mobile Data

The ubiquitous and connected nature of mobile devices has greatly enhanced the value and importance of visual information captured with them. For instance, broadcasting videos from camera phones uploaded by unknown users is admissible on news networks. Examples range from videos of conflicts in areas with limited professional journalism representation (e.g., Syria, Ukraine) to spontaneous events (e.g., tsunamis, earthquakes, meteorite landings, authority abuse). Such videos are often distributed through sites such as CNN's iReport, NBC's Stringwire or YouTube's CitizenTube.

The increasing popularity of citizen journalism is starting however to raise important questions concerning the credibility of impactful videos. The potential impact of such videos, coupled with the use of financial incentives, can motivate workers to fabricate data. The figure below shows some examples of such attacks.

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Videos from other sources can be copied, projected and recaptured, cut and stitched before being uploaded as genuine on social media sites. For instance, plagiarized videos with fabricated location and time stamps can be created through ``projection'' attacks: the attacker uses specialized apps to set the GPS position of the device to a desired location, then uses the device to shoot a projected version of the target video.

To address this problem, we exploit the observation that for plagiarized videos, the motion encoded in the video stream is likely inconsistent with the motion from the inertial sensor streams (e.g., accelerometer) of the device. As illustrated below, we leverage the motion sensors of mobile devices in order to verify the liveness of the video streams. We exploit the inherent movement of the user's hand when shooting a video, to verify the the consistency between the inferred motion from captured video and inertial sensor signals. We use the intuition that being simultaneously captured, these signals will necessarily bear certain relations, that are difficult to fabricate and emulate. In this case, the movement of the scene in the video stream should have similarities with the movement of the device that registers at the motion sensors.

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Movee. In early work we introduced Movee, a system that provides CAPTCHA like verifications, by including the user, through her mobile device, into the verification process. However, instead of using the cognitive strength of humans to interpret visual information, we rely on their innately flawed ability to hold a camera still.

As illustrated below, Movee has four main modules. The Video Motion Analysis (VMA) module processes the video stream as it is captured by the camera. It uses video processing techniques to infer the motion of the camera, producing a time-dependent motion vector. VMA is inspired by the process used in image stabilization capable cameras. Meanwhile, the Inertial Sensor Motion Analysis (IMA) module converts the data signal from the inertial sensors into another time-dependent motion vector. When the video capture is completed, the motion vectors from the VMA and IMA modules are compared in the Similarity Computation (SC) module. SC relies on a flavor of the Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithm from speech and pattern recognition to compute the ``similarity'' of the two motion vectors. The SC module also produces a set of features which summarize the nature of the similarity. The features are used by the Classification module, which runs trained classifiers to decide whether the two motion sequences corroborate each other. If they do, Movee concludes the video is genuine.

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Vamos. Movee has several limitations. First, it is not user transparent, to the extent that it imposes an explicit verification step on users. Second, it severely limits the movements in the verification step to one of four pan movements. Third, Movee is vulnerable to ``stitch'' attacks in which the attacker creates a fraudulent video by first live recording a genuine video and then pointing the camera to a pre-recorded target video.

To address these limitations, we have introduced Vamos, a Video Accreditation through Motion Signatures system. Vamos provides liveness verifications for videos of arbitrary length. Vamos is completely transparent to the users; it requires no special user interaction, nor change in user behavior.

Instead of enforcing an initial verification step, Vamos uses the entire video and acceleration stream for verification purposes (see illustration below). It divides the video and acceleration data into fixed length chunks. It then classifies each chunk and uses the results, along with a suite of novel features that we introduce, to classify the entire sample. Vamos does not impose a dominant motion direction, thus, does not constrain the user movements. Instead, Vamos verifies the liveness of the video by extracting features from \textit{all} the directions of movement, from both the video and acceleration streams.

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Attacks. Removed video length and movement constraints provide additional flexibility for attackers to create fraudulent videos. In order to study the security of the new unconstrained setting, we i) propose a novel, motion based video classification system, ii) introduce a suite of human centric and fully automated attacks that target sensor based video liveness verification systems, and iii) show experimental evidence on a wide range of data collected through user studies and from public sources.

The goal of the attacks we introduce is to produce accelerometer readings that enable the attackers to thwart Vamos and claim the production of plagiarized videos, on their mobile devices. While some of the attacks leverage accelerometer data produced on the attacker device, several attacks enable the attacker to fabricate accelerometer readings of their choice.

Applications Liveness verifications are a cornerstone in a variety of practical applications that use the mobile device camera as a trusted witness. The examples below discuss several application scenarios:
  • Citizen journalism. Our solutions can be used in conjunction with trusted location and time verification solutions to verify claims made by video uploaders.
  • Smarter cities, Mobile 311. Mobile 311 apps by municipalities and metropolitan governments tap into crowd-sourced reporting of potholes and open manholes for city maintenance, and to avoid possible hazards. To gauge the correctness and severity of a case, the systems require multiple users to report the same case before dispatching a crew. The shortcoming is that, the system is set to wait for multiple complaints to come in before action, and may even be accused of malpractice due to inaction even in the presence of information. Our solutions can act as the required witness to the genuine-ness of the reported case, and can eliminate the need to wait for multiple reports.
  • Mobile authentication. The cameras of mobile devices (e.g., smartphones) can be used to implement a seamless and continuous face-recognition based authentication procedure. Movee can be used to prevent an attacker from bypassing the procedure using a picture of the user of the smartphone.
  • Payment verifications. Banks like Bank of America and online payment sites such as Paypal enable users to cash checks through their mobile devices: take a picture of the check and upload it to the provider's site. Providing this operation involves risks on the provider side, as users can try to deposit bad checks. Instead of relying on a picture of the check, Our approach requires users to take a movie of the check, from multiple angles. The movie ensures that the user has physical access to the payment device. Liveness verifications provide the assurance that the user took the movie with his mobile device.
  • Tamper proof supply chain. Supply chains often rely on tamper evident seals, containing printed barcodes to assert location and time for an asset. Workers can use our solutions to capture a movie of the asset, along with its seals, and send it to remote verifiers. The liveness verifications, coupled with proofs of location and time of the movie, can provide assurances that the movie has not been plagiarized (e.g., a movie of a previously taken movie), and the asset is at the right place at the right time.
  • Prototype and asset verification. Kickstarter requires that real prototypes are used in the promotion videos of campaigns. Movee and Vamos can be used by participants to verify the liveness of footage provided as evidence. Our solutions can also provide proof of ownership verifications to sellers on sites like Amazon and eBay.
Current work. We currently spend our time switching between black and white hats. On one hand, we seek to develop attacks that improve the quality of fabricated acceleration readings and even capture the fluidity of human motions. On the other hand, we continue to search for new features that will enable us to improve the accuracy of detecting the existing and the newly developed attacks. However, if we succeed to fabricate acceleration readings ``similar enough'' to those generated by a human user, it's game over. So, will the black hats win? Come back (or e-mail us) and find out.



  • [ACSAC] "Seeing is Not Believing: Visual Verifications through Liveness Analysis using Mobile Devices"
    Mahmudur Rahman, Umut Topkara, Bogdan Carbunar.
    In Proceedings of the 29th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) [acceptance rate=19%], New Orleans, December 2013. [pdf]

  • [ACM WiSeC] Liveness Verifications for Citizen Journalism Videos
    Mahmudur Rahman, Mozhgan Azimpourkivi, Umut Topkara, Bogdan Carbunar.
    In Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSeC) [acceptance rate=19%], New York City, June 2015. [pdf]

  • [IEEE TMC] Movee: Video Liveness Verification for Mobile Devices Using Built-in Motion Sensors
    Mahmudur Rahman, Umut Topkara, Bogdan Carbunar.
    Accepted in the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), 2015. [pdf]

  • Data and Code

  • Main code for Vamos and Movee
  • Google Glass code
  • Video and accelerometer data (2.4 GB) captured by 5 users. For each user U, we also include the results of sandwhich attacks launched by 2 other users on the videos of U.


    We are thankful to the following agencies for funding this work: