Chip Select

Consider a system that has four of the 4x3 memory chips we discussed in class.

A more complicated example

The example in the book in section 3.7.2 also shows how to configure chip select for a larger address space, using different size chips.

  1. The first step is to do address line calculations
  2. The second step is do starting location calculations. The idea behind placing the chips is to place them at multiples of there size. This keeps the circuitry at a minimum (and the math). Therefore, a chip of size 2K will only be placed at 0K, 2K, 4K, 6K, 8K, etc.

Chips of different sizes

The same calculations work for chips of different sizes as well. Consider a second EPROM of size 4K that starts at 40K. The EPROM now requires 12 address lines for inside the chip.