Zorin's Photography Page

Hey folks! I figured I'd put up a photography page of some sort, to show off my favorite pictures. "Favorite pictures" here means pictures that look really good, show off something really interesting, or are really bizarre. Or just pictures that I wanted to show off for some reason.

Warning, some of the "fullsized" images are VERY big, up to and maybe over 2MB! I post full camera resolution here. }:)


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A friend's cat. The contrast between the white whiskers and black fur is simply exquisite. ISO 200, Ol' Reliable Canon EF 50mm @ f/4.0, bounce flash off ceiling for lighting. You simply must click on the picture and view the full-size version!

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6/7/2004 - Okay, this needs explanation. I was bored and seeing how much I could darken the room, increase the exposure, and still get a usable picture. My cat, which was lying on the bed innocently, was an ideal subject. When I got to 30 seconds, this picture came out. I had to save it; it's like you're looking at a cat while stoned or something...

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1/24/2004 - Miami Metrozoo - This meerkat was too cute to miss. He was practically posing for me!
ISO 100, Canon EF 50mm f/1.8

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3/21/2004 - Time exposure taken from a hotel window overlooking Orlando's tourist district.
ISO 100, Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 lens.

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3/22/2004 - Disney's Animal Kingdom - I love the stripe pattern on the tiger's back. Nearly perfect exposure; minimal tweaking required. }:)
ISO 800, Quantaray 70-300mm f/4-5.6

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3/22/2004 - Disney's Animal Kingdom - Lovely framing between the two trees. Color correction was required since there was a strong blue skylight cast.
ISO 800, Quantaray 70-300mm f/4-5.6

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12/28/2003 - Powerlines off I75 somewhere between Naples and Hollywood, FL - I just love the way the poles disappear into the distance.
ISO 200, Canon EF 50mm f/1.8

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12/14/2003 - My cat Lynxie - Still one of my favorite pictures ever, and it's not because I'm biased towards my cat! The exposure, lighting, and expression on the cat's face came together for perfection.
ISO 400, Canon EF 50mm f/1.8

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