The following data sources have a wealth of data on education in each country
The methods we use are:
An overview of the tertiary education ratio in countries around the world
Average Comparison Between Tertiary Education and Government Expenditure
Average Comparison Between Tertiary Education and GDP Per Capita
Average Comparison Between Tertiary Education and Human Development Index(HDI)
Average Dropout Rate in Different Continents in the World
Adult femal illterate rate
Percentage of qualified teachers in primary education
Average of Employment Rate for each level of education broken down by Continent
Average of Employment Rate for each level of education broken down by Country, Continent
Average of Employment Rate for Gender broken down by Continent
Average of Employment Rate for Gender broken down by Country, Continent
Pearson Correlation Coefficient between reasons and educational attaiment in Africa.
According to the correlation coefficient, for tertiary education, In Asia, it is GDP that matters most and government expenditure that matters least. In Africa, these factors almost all affect each other, in North America and South America as well, but in Europe, the correlation between these factors declines somewhat
We used data from 1970 to 2015, every five years, as training, using ARIMA models to predict future tertiary education ratio for each continent
Based on the above analysis, we can get some conclusions as follow: