Instructor: Leonardo Bobadilla Assistant Professor bobadilla ![]() Office:ECS 212b Phone: 305-348-7565 Office Hours: Tuesday 3:30pm-4:30 pm in my office and Fridays 5-6pm on Zoom or by appointment Course Description and GoalsRobotics is one of the fastest growing industries in US and worldwide. In particular, mobile robots have found applications in diverse areas such as homes, manufacturing, agriculture, construction, and medicine. Robotics applications will open new job markets and are expected to add substantially to the American economy in the coming years. Major computing companies such as Microsoft, Google, and Amazon have recently acquired robotics companies.Students taking this class will benefit from mastering the basic aspects of robotics and from obtaining an overview of the field. The course will initially cover domains, applications, and problems in mobile robotics. Second, it will address basic aspects of robotics such as locomotion and mobile robot kinematics. After basic aspects of sensing and computer vision are introduced, fundamental tasks in robotics are explained: Mapping, Localization, Planning and Navigation. Practical assignments will allow students to program different aerial, mobile, and manipulator robots. PrerequisitesCOP 3530 and STA 3033 or permission of the instructor.Textbooks and MaterialsWe will use these books:Required Textbooks: Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots (second edition), Nikolaus Correll. Magellan Scientific, 2020. ISBN-13: 978-0692700877 ISBN-10: 0692700870 Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots (second edition), Roland Siegwart, Illah R. Nourbakhsh and Davide Scaramuzza. Bradford Books, 2011. ISBN: 0262015358
Course Outline
GradingHomeworks will be a combination of written, programming, and practical assignments. There will be four to five homeworks assignments during the semester. Homeworks will be done in groups of 3. There is a final project. In addition, occasional quizzes may be given in class. You should read the corresponding sections on the book and be able to actively participate in class discussions. There will be one midterm exam. You will be responsible for all material covered in lectures, homeworks, and assigned readings. The various components of the course will be weighted as follows:
Final class projectIn groups of 3, students will work on a final project with a significant. The project can be theoretical, software-based, experimental, or a detailed critical survey on an specific topic. Students should choose their own project, ideally related to their interests. The project will have the following milestones:
Policies on Assignments and ExamsAll project deliverables and assignments should be submitted before midnight on the due date. The only excuse for missing an exam is verifiable cases of illness and emergencies and religious holidays. Please check the dates for exams and inform me at the earliest of any conflict due to the above-mentioned reasons.Code of Academic Integrity:University Policies:For academic misconduct, sexual harassment, religious holidays, and information on services for students with disabilities, see :
FIU STUDENTS AND FACULTY "STAYING SAFE AND HEALTHY"In collaboration with the Health, Safety, and Welfare Committee of the FIU Faculty Senate and the Healthy Panthers Council, the Provost encourages each faculty and student to take a proactive role in their safety, personal health, and well-being.Through viewing the "Staying Safe and Healthy" video series, you will learn: How to respond to an active shooter situation Care of an unconscious person Care of the bleeding person Panther's Care Initiative How to enhance your personal health and well being These 3-5 minute videos and related resources can be found for: On Campus Students in the Student Starter Kit in Canvas 2.0 Fully Online Students in Panther Den in Canvas Faculty in the Faculty Starter Kit in Canvas This video series and related resources can make a difference in promoting the safety and protecting the health of all members of the FIU community. These resources are available any time you have a few minutes to watch them and you can refresh your memory about their content at any point in time. STAYING SAFE AND HEALTHY requires the commitment of each of us as Panthers. |