Leonardo Bobadilla
Assistant Professor
Office:ECS 212b
Phone: 305-348-7565
Office Hours:
Wednesday/Thursday 6:30PM-7:30pm or by appointment
Teaching Assistant:
Md Mahbubur Rahman
Office: ECS
or by appointment
Course Moodle
Course Objectives
Master socket programming and transport layer services
Master web programming concepts
Be familiar with network architecture and OSI network model
Be familiar with internetworking, routing, and congestion control
Be familiar with link layer access control concepts
Be familiar with applied cryptography and other network security concepts
Be exposed to wireless and mobile networking, multimedia networking, and
network management
COP-4338 Programming III
Course Content
- Python
- Variables
- Blocks
- Control Structures
- Methods
- Introduction
- Internet
- Network
- Delay, Loss, Throughput
- Protocol Layers
- Security
- History
- Wireshark
- Application Layer
- Network Applications
- Web and HTTP
- P2P
- Socket Programming
- Socket Programming using Python
- socket
- sendto
- recvfrom
- bind
- listen
- send
- recv
- accept
- close
- Transport Layer
- Services
- Multiplexing and Demultiplexing
- Reliable Data Transfer
- Congestion Control
- TCP Congestion Control
- Network Layer
- Service Models
- Virtual Circuit and Datagram Networks
- Router
- IP
- Routing Algorithms
- Internet Routing
- Broadcast and Multicast Routing
- Link Layer
- Services
- Error Detection and Correction
- Multiple Access Links and Protocols
- Switched LAN
- Data Center Networking
- Review protocols and messages in a web request
- Security
- Symmetric and Asymmetric Cryptography
- Integrity
- Authenticaion
- Confidentiality
- Securing Wireless LANs
- Firewalls and IDS
- Mobile Networks
- Wireless
- WiFi
- Cellular
- Management
- Mobile IP
- Multimedia
- Multimedia Applications
- Streaming Video
- Real-Time Conversation Protocols
- Support
- Management
Textbooks and Materials
We will follow this book:

Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, 6/E
Kurose, James; Ross, Keith
ISBN-10: 0132856204 ; ISBN-13: 9780132856201
The course will consist of FIVE homework (programming or written homework) assignments that make up 45% of the grade. The remaining 50% of the grade is used to evaluate the outcome of your learning, which consists of attendance (5%), 2 exams (25% each), in-class problem solving which are designed to assess your level of understanding of the material throughout the semester.
Letter grades will be assigned based on overall percentage. The scale is as follows: A is 90% or higher, B is 80% or higher, and C is 70% or higher. + or - is done at 3.33% intervals, so A- is 86.67% or higher, B+ is 83.33%, etc. C- is 66.67% or higher.
The instructor reserves the right to change the method of assigning grades, including changing the number of assignments and weights of the assignments (although it's highly unlikely).
Attendance of the lectures is REQUIRED. 0.5 points will be deducted for each unexecused absence from the class (up to 5 points).
Late submission for homeworks will be accepted for grading with grade deduction. The calculation of the grade deduction is as follows. If submitted within 24 hours of the deadline (even if you're one second late), 15%; if submitted between 24 and 48 hours, 30%; if submitted between 48 and 72 hours, 50%; if submitted beyond 72 hours, 100% deduction. For example, if you get 90 for an assignment but you're late for two days, you'll receive 90*(1-30%)=63 for this assignment. All assignments must be submitted through moodle. No grades will be given to homework submitted through email.
The best way to reach the instructor is through email. Even if during the office hours, it's still better to make an appointment beforehand so to secure a dedicated slot. Please spell out your name and panther id when communicating with the instructor through email.
DO NOT publish or share slides, code examples, or resources of the moodle site.
Exceptions include legitimate, verifiable cases of illness or emergency, and observation of religious holydays. Other than emergencies, exceptions must be approved by the instructor well in advance.
Various religious holydays occur throughout the academic year, so the instructor will work with students to ensure that no conflict exists between their religious obligations and their course work. You must let your instructor know prior to a holy day of restrictions that conflict with course attendance, homework submissions, and exams.
Florida International University is a community dedicated to generating and imparting knowledge through excellent teaching and research, the rigorous and respectful exchange of ideas, and community service. All students should respect the right of others to have an equitable opportunity to learn and honestly demonstrate the quality of their learning. Therefore, all students are expected to adhere to a standard of academic conduct, which demonstrates respect for themselves, their fellow students, and the educational mission of the University. All students are deemed by the University to understand that if they are found responsible for academic misconduct, they will be subject to the Academic Misconduct procedures and sanctions, as outlined in the Student Handbook.
- CHEATING WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Your work needs to be your own. It cannot be joint work with another student in the class or who previously took the class. THERE WILL BE ZERO TOLERANCE FOR CHEATING. You CANNOT give or receive code to and from your fellow students. You CANNOT pull code from the internet. If you get caught in cheating, you will immediately receive an F for this course and the Academic Misconduct will be reported to the university. NO EXCEPTIONS.
- Make-up Exam Policy.
The midterm is an important component of the class. The day
of the exam is fixed and if for some grave circumstances you
can not attend, you must contact me beforehand (email is OK) and later provide documentation
of why you could not attend the exam. Only serious personal circumstances will
be accepted as valid excuses. The make-up exam will be given on the final's week and will be cumulative (include all topics in the course).
Code of Academic Integrity:
University Policies:
For academic misconduct, sexual
harassment, religious holidays, and information on services for students
with disabilities, see :