CGS 3767 Operating Systems

 Professor     Michael Robinson
 Tel     305-348-7523
 Office     ECS 212 D
 Course Title   Operating Systems
 Course Number   CGS 3767
 Credits   3
 Class Type   Required
 Prerequisites   COP 2250 or 2210
 Co-requisites   none
 Class Policies   FIU Academic Affairs policy on academic dishonesty

  • 3

   Class Type
  • Core Class - Required

  • COP2250 or COP2210 with a minimum grade of C. Those who have less than a C in one of these classes will be dropped from the course during the first week of class.

  • None

   Class Type
  • Core Class - Required

  • Attendance will be taken.
  • Not everything I teach in this class is in the book.

   Simple Rules
  • All programs MUST be done in the computers provided by FIU or in your own laptop and presented in class or in the lab when appropiate.

  • All programs MUST be named:
    last name + first Name initial + pgm1, 2, 3 or 4.
    ex:  SmithJpgm1.c  SmithJpgm1.html 

  • Your email MUST have your name on it.
    FIU, ElHombre, TheItGuy, etc are NOT accepted.

  • On your email's subject write:
    Your class name and email's purpose: OS1 pgm1, WEB2 pgm4

  • Email me your source programs ONLY, attached. DO NOT COPY AND PASTE.

  • Your programs must compile using the terminal mode.

  • Programs with warnings will NOT be accepted. I will not debug your programs.

  • Do not change the names of the files I provide.

  • Programs turned in after the due date are NOT accepted.

  • Any modification to your grades MUST be done no later than ONE week after grades are posted in Moodle.

  Tools Required - FREE

    Virtual Machines : Installing Windows 7 in VirtualBox

    Windows : Putty
    Allows you to have full remote control of your FIU computer

    Create Account:
  • At Host Name (or IP address) : enter
  • Port : 22
  • Select SSH
  • Save Session : enter a name for this account

    Windows : WinSCP
    Allows you to Create/Delete/Upload/Download folders/files to/from your FIU computer

    Create Account:
  • At Session Section on right side
  • Host name    :
  • Port number  : 22
  • User name    : Your user name
  • File protocol : SFTP
  • Save session as : enter a name for this account

    Linux : SecPanel -     Allows you to have full remote control of your FIU computer

    Linux or Windows or Mac or Solaris : FileZilla

    Allows you to Create/Delete/Upload/Download folders/files to/from your FIU computer

3 Exams    20 points each     =   60 points
4 Programs 10 points each   =   40 points
Total   = 100 points

If you decide not to turn in any one of the 4 programs, it can be replaced with the average of the other three programs.

Pass       Fail
A  = 100-95    C- = 69-66
A- =  94-90    D+ = 65-60
B+ =  89-87    D  = 59-56
B  =  86-83    D- = 55-51
B- =  82-80    F  = 50-0
C+ =  79-76 
C  =  75-70 

Schedule for classes held on Tuesdays and Thursdays
Important Dates
  Program 1 Due : Tuesday 28th January at the beginning of Class.
  Exam 1 Thursday Feb 6th, 2014 (covering Program 1, chapter 1-5 plus class material)
  Program 2 Due Tuesday Feb 25th at beginning of Class.
  Program 3 Due Tuesday March 18th, 2014 at beginning of class.
  Exam 2 Thursday April 3rd, 2014 (covering Programs 2 and 3, chapters 5-7 and class material)
  Program 4 Due Tuesday April 8th, 2014 at beginning of Class.
  Final Exam   4/24/2014, Thursday 5:00PM - 7:00PM ECS 138 (covering all Programs all exams and all Class material)


  Catalog Description:
  • Introduction to fundamental concepts of operating systems and their implementation in Linux and Windows. Not acceptable for credit for Computer Science majors.

  Prerequisites Topics:
  • Primitive data types
  • Basic Assignment control structures
  • Familiarity with methods or functions

  Expected Course Outcomes
  1. Be familiar with hardware and software concepts
  2. Be familiar with OS functions and management
  3. Be familiar with the management of file systems
  4. Be familiar with the use of text editors
  5. Master basic command line functions
  6. Master simple shell programming
  7. Be exposed to windowing systems

  Required Text
  • Operating Systems for IT ~ ISBN 978-1-4652-8990-2 ~ by Michael Robinson
  • Published by Kendall Hunt Publishing
  • Additional Material - FREE

  Projected Schedule (COULD BE MODIFIED)
  • Chapter  0 : Preface
  • Chapter  1 : Operating Systems
  • Chapter  2 : The Basics
  • Chapter  3 : Virtual Machines
  • Chapter  4 : Numerical Systems
  • Chapter  5 : Computer Hardware
  • Chapter  6 : Computer Categories
  • Chapter  7 : Computer Software
  • Chapter  8 : Linux Terminal Mode Programming
  • Chapter  9 : Windows Command Line Programming
  • Chapter 10 : Networking
  • Chapter 11 : Directories, Files and Attributes
  • Chapter 12 : Protocols
  • Chapter 13 : Software Tools
  • Glossary

  Shell programming
  • File processing tools
  • Variables: configuration/environment/shell
  • Operators: defining/evaluating/arithmetic
  • Logic: sequential/decision/loop/case
  • Debugging scripts
  • String tests, integer tests, boolean conditions
  • Script development cycle

©2009-2099 Michael Robinson    ®