Tutorial 1 CGS 4854 - U02A (56559) Website Construction and Management - Summer A 2012 Professor: Michael Robinson e-mail : michael.robinson@fiu.edu Web Page : www.cs.fiu.edu/~mrobi002/teaching BOOK WEBSITE : http://bytesizebook.com/ - Your totorial must be named: yourLastNameFirstLetterOfYourFirstNamet1 If your name is George Washington your tutorial should be named: WashingtonGt1 - Turn in the signed source code on paper, and email me the source code. - Make sure the program is properly documented and aligned uniformally, looking professionally, I will take points off if it not. - Include the following header in every program: <%-- *********************************************************************************** Author : Your Name Course : CGS 4854 Summer A 2012 MW 9:05 pm Professor : Michael Robinson Program # : Assignment Purpose/Description {A brief description of the program } Due Date : MM/DD/YYYY Certification: I hereby certify that this work is my own and none of it is the work of any other person. ..........{ your signature }.......... ************************************************************************************** %> Purpose of this program: Create your first website using jsp and Tomcat How: Create a web application in NetBeans and name it following this convention: yourLastNameFirstLetterOfYourFirstNamet1 An index.jsp will be created for you automatically, when you create the project. Implement FormInitialized.jsp example in the Tutorials web application located at: http://bytesizebook.com/book/ch1/OnePage/FormInitialized.jsp There are step-by-step instructions on the book web site for all the examples. Find the steps for this example under the Initialized JSP heading. You will need to complete some of the previous examples in order to complete this one. - It must work exactly like the example from the book. - Run the example from the book site to be sure you know how it works. Pay attention to the URL when you run the example. - Be sure that the file uses the new HTML 5 DOCTYPE. If the Netbeans templates do not use the correct DOCTYPE, you will have to edit files created by Netbeans so that they use the correct DOCTYPE. - Be sure that the file contains valid HTML 5. You will not lose points if you receive an error about the form tag missing an action. This topic will be covered in Chapter 2. If you want to eliminate the error, then modify the form tag to
- Modify the index.jsp file that is in the project. This is the first page that will be seen when the web application is run. - Add a relative hypertext link in index.jsp to FormInitialized.jsp. - Be sure that the file uses the new HTML 5 DOCTYPE. - Be sure that the file contains valid HTML 5. - At Run, Clean and Build your web application. This will create the WAR file that you will email me, In the operating system (not in NetBeans) navigate to the dist folder in the NetBeans project. - Email the WAR file to me as binary. - Email the files text files created for this Tutorial and bring a bring a print out of them at the beginning of class.