Java Programming Requirements Programming Rules for this class: 1 - At the beginning of the file, the program must be documented, see program example below. 2 - Next enter all necessary import statements. 3 - Use camelCasing to name the class, methods, and variables. 4 - The Java class begins and ends in column 0. 5 - All global variables must declared and initialized at the beginning of the program, after naming the class. 6 - The methods begin and end in column 4. 7 - The main function must be the last method in the program. 8 - All other methods must be between the class beginning and the main method. 9 - The main method is for creating and initiallizing variables, calling methods, and ending the program. 10 - All pair of { } must be aligned in the same column for all programming sections, such as methods, if, while, for, etc. 11 - All paragraphs must be indented 4 (four) spaces from the previous outer section. 12 - Documment your program as much as possible. 13 - Leave two spaces between each method. Program example: /********************************************************************* Author : Your Name Course : Course Name and Times Professor : Michael Robinson Program : Program Name and Number Purpose : A brief description of the program Due Date : mm/dd/yyyy Certification: I hereby certify that this work is my own and none of it is the work of any other person. ..........{ your signature }.......... *********************************************************************/ import; import; import; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.*; public class RobinsonMpgm1 { //global variables float gpa = 4.00; int credits = 3; String className[20] = "Java Programming"; public static void indentationSample() //creating and loading a 2 dim array of ints { //to show indentation int x = 0; int y = 0; int theArray[10][10]; int rows = 0; int cols = 0; for(x=0; x<10; x++) { for(y=0; y<10; y++) { theArray[x][y] = (x+y); System.out.printf( "[%2d] ", theArray[x][y] ); if( (x % 5) != 0 ) { rows += theArray[x][y]; } else if( (y % 5) == 0 ) { cols += theArray[x][y]; } } System.out.printf( "%s", "\n" ); } System.out.printf( "\n Total in rows = %d\n Total of cols = %d\n", rows, cols ); }//end of public static void indentationSample() //creating and loading a 2 dim array of ints public static void printTheData( float gpa, int credits, char className[20], char myName[20], char myMajor[10] ) { //printing all the data received, one field per line/row System.out.printf( "My name is %s \n", myName ); System.out.printf( "My major is %s \n", myMajor ); System.out.printf( "My gpa is %.2f \n", gpa ); System.out.printf( "My current class is %d credits\n", credits ); System.out.printf( "its name is %s \n", className ); System.out.printf( "With %d programs\n\n", PROGRAMS ); //printing all data received, in one line/row System.out.printf( "My gpa is %.2f My current class is %d credits and its name is %s My name is %s and my major is %s with %d programs\n\n", gpa, credits, className, myName, myMajor, PROGRAMS ); }//end of public static void printTheData( float gpa, int credits, char className[20], char myName[20], char myMajor[10] ) public static void main( String arg[] ) { char myName[20] = "Joe Smith"; //creating a char array char myMajor[10] = "CS/IT"; //creating a char array //calling a function passing 5 variables by value printTheData( gpa, credits, className, myName, myMajor ); //calling a function indentationSample(); }//end of public static void main( String arg[] ) }//end of public class RobinsonMpgm1