CGS2518_ComputerDataAnalysis_Instructions Pgm2 - Our Labs Our Tutoring lab is located at PG 6 #102 We are open 12noon - 7pm Mondays - Fridays 12noon - 6pm Saturdays - Topics to be explained in class: - Cells - Insert, cell, rows, colums, worksheets to insert multiple cell, rows, colums at this location select multiples in the table and them use this command - Delete to delete multiple cell, rows, colums at this location select multiples in the table and them use this command - Format allows multiple commands such as: - row height, hide, show, width, etc. - Graphs The following data fields, with the corresponding columns values used in program 1, will be used to expand our knowledge, and create program 2: - rent - groceries - clothing - gas - insurance - medication - pet food - car repairs - entretainment - phone service - electricity - tuition - internet - alimony - child support - taxes - books ----------------------------------- Program 2 Due on: Monday Febuary 17th, 2025 at 11:59pm 1) Create a spreadsheet using Excel, using Camel case naming conventions that capitalize the first letter of each word in a phrase, named: a) Your last name, first letter of your first name, pgm2_CGS2518_Spring_2025 example RobinsonMpgm2_CGS2518_Spring_2025 2) Leave column A empty 3) In column B write, using Arial Font, size 16, color red, and boldface type, the following documentation: ********************************************* Author : Your Name Course : Course Name and Times Professor: Michael Robinson Program : Program Number, Purpose : A brief description of the program Due Date : mm/dd/yyyy I certify that this work is my own alone. ..........{ your name }.......... ********************************************* 4) Leave one empty row. On the next row, using using Arial Font, size 14, color blue, and Italic type write the following Headings/Titles: a)Column B = Item b)Column C = Amount c)Column D = Percentage 5) **--> UNIQUE means that someting can only be used ONCE, IF YOU USE IT MORE THAN ONCE YOU WILL LOSE POINTS. **--> example, if you use Arial or red in one item, you can NOT use Arial OR red again anywhere else in the following column. **--> Use a UNIQUE font and color, size 14 for EACH of the a-q labels. On the Item column, display the following labels: a) Rent b) Groceries c) Clothing d) Gasoline e) Insurance f) Medications g) Pet Food h) Car Repairs i) Entertainment j) Phone Service k) Electricity l) Tuition m) Internet n) Alimony o) Child Support p) Taxes q) Salary 6) On column C (Amount) on front of each of the Item label (column B), enter the monthly amount you spend on it. 7) On the end of column C enter the value ------- 8) On the next row, on column C enter the total amount spend during the month. 9) On column D, on each row, enter the corresponding % value of each expense 10) On the end of column Data enter the value ------- 11) On the next row, on column D enter the total amount of % in this column, it must be 100%. Submitting your program - On the due date or before, upload to Canvas, your Excel program 1 above mentioned. - Make sure the program is properly documented and aligned, looking professionally, I will take points off if it is not. If you have any questions please: - send me an email - come to my office hours - ask questions in class - contact our FREE tutoring services: 12noon - 7pm Mondays - Friday 12noon - 6pm Saturdays Happy Programing!!! ----------------------------------- **** STYLES leave for next class - conditional formating - format as table - cell styles - Editing - Sensitivity - Add-insert - Analize Data - Create a PDF