program #1 OSpgm1b_4 CGS3767 Operating Systems for IT Professor: Michael Robinson e-mail : Web Page : ****************************************************************************** * !!!!*** USE THE TOOLS THAT WE HAVE LEARNED IN OUR CLASS ONLY ***!!!! * ****************************************************************************** a - Download and install (FREE) virtualbox in your laptop from: If your computer is a MAC Computer, depending on your OS Version, virtualBox might not work in your Mac, therefore you will have to install the Mac VM named Parallels b - From inside your VM (Virtual Machine), download ubuntu 16.04 Operating System ISO for AMD or Intel cpus at: where you will find: ubuntu-16.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso for 64 bit computers, and or ubuntu-16.04.6-desktop-i386.iso for 32 bit computers or Download and install Ubuntu version 16.04 as a virtual OS inside your VM, from c - From inside your VM (Virtual Machine) in Terminal Mode, download and install Java JDK inside your Ubuntu Virtual Machine as follows: sudo apt update sudo apt install default-jdk d - From inside your Ubuntu terminal mode run the following commands: java -version javac -version Make sure that your "java -version" and your "javac -version" are the same version e - Make sure that your java programs can compiled and run in terminal mode in all Vms. WITHOUT getting ANY WARNINGS. f - *** USING TERMINAL MODE ONLY ***, and using my JAVA Programming Rules, located at: NOTE: During the entire semester, in this class, when using Java, we will ONLY use the System.out printf(...) command In all Java program we will use 4(four) SPACES ***NO TABS*** when indenting. PLEASE AVOID LOSING POINTS IN YOUR PROGRAMS do the following: g - *** USING TERMINAL MODE ONLY *** In your Ubuntu Virtual Machine (VM) do the following: 1) Create a folder called pgm1 ***WARNING*** I AM NOT ASKING YOU TO GO TO YOUR DESKTOP, HOME, USER, ETC DIRECTORY Just when you log into your Ubuntu terminal mode create a folder named pgm1 When I grade your program I will execute it from my local ubuntu folder If your program is trying to execute from any other folder you will get a 0 (zero) grade 2) Move into the pgm1 folder 3) Using a linux editor ONLY, create a Java program named: your last name + first letter of your first name + example At the top/beginning of the this program, totally aligned to the left, place the following documentation: /********************************************************************* Author : Your Name Course : Your OS Class Information and Semester. Professor : Michael Robinson Program # : Program Purpose/Description { A brief description of the program } Due Date : MM/DD/YYYY Certification: I hereby certify that this work is my own and none of it is the work of any other person. ..........{ your signature }.......... *********************************************************************/ In the above program, from the main method call a new method named: processUbuntu passing your name, the number 2021.99 and the word Fall 4) Using System.out.printf in a separate line display the name of the editor you are using to write your program. 5) Using System.out.printf in a separate line display the command to save and continue writting your program. 6) Using System.out.printf in a separate line display the command to exit your editor without saving your program. 7) At the processUbuntu method, using System.out.printf display the accepted data, in three rows. - On the first row display the first data field. - On the second row display the second accepted data field, using 10 spaces for the integer part and 5 spaces for the decimal part of the number. - On the third row display the third field accepted in CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY. 8) Display 3 (three) benefits of VMs, leaving one empty row between each. 9) Display the major problem with VMs Submitting your program - On the due date or before, upload to Canvas, your java program source code (*.java) above mentioned ( the Ubuntu programs ) - Make sure the program is properly documented and aligned, looking professionally, I will take points off if it is not. - MAKE SURE YOUR PROGRAMS COMPILE AND EXECUTE WITHOUT WARNINGS If you have any questions please send me an email, following our email rules in the Syllabus. Happy Programing!!!