program # 3 OSpgm3b_4Spring2022 Professor: Michael Robinson e-mail : Web Page : Online Tutoring: This assignment is worth 10 points total, partial credit will be given, ******************************************************** * USE UBUNTU & WINDOWS TERMINAL MODE COMMANDS ONLY * * USE ANY EDITOR TO CREATE THIS PROGRAM * ******************************************************** 1 - Worth 0.50 points. - Using Linux shell commands, create a shell file named: - Using any Ubuntu editor, append the following documentation USING MULTI-LINE COMMENTS: ******************************************************************** Author : Your Name Course : OS section. Example OS1, OS2 OS3, OS4 Professor : Michael Robinson Program # : Number and program Purpose/Description { A brief description of the program } Due Date : MM/DD/YYYY Certification: I hereby certify that this work is my own and none of it is the work of any other person. ********************************************************************* 2) Worth 4 points. Using Linux Shell Scripting. - Creating and using the variables FirstNumber and SecondNumber, Implement division by 0, with error trapping, using if and while commands, How: a) using ANY Linux editor, append to your .sh file commands that will do the following: b) Append your name and CURRENT running date and time to a NEW file called results.txt "CURRENT running date" means, when the program is executed the CURRENT running time will be appended to your results.txt file c) Using the variables: FirstNumber and SecondNumber, use a while loop. d) Ask the user to enter the FirstNumber. e) If the user enters the value 23 for this FirstNumber, you must exit THIS Linux Shell Scripting SECTION immediately. f) Ask the user to enter the SecondNumber. g) If the user enters the value 44 for this SecondNumber, you must exit THIS Linux Shell Scripting SECTION immediately. h) If the SecondNumber is ZERO inform the user that you CAN NOT divide by ZERO, and ask for a correct SecondNumber only, KEEPING YOUR FirstNumber. i) If the SecondNumber is NOT a zero, divide FirstNumber by SecondNumber then display all numbers on this computation using labels, and append all numbers on this computation using labels to the results.txt file. example: 4 divided by 1 = 4 3) - Worth 1 point. Linux Shell Scripting. a) MANUALLY download to YOUR computer the file, in the same folder where your program in the following question b is located: Using editors, append to your *.sh file, all the commands needed so that when you execute your sh file, this file will produce the following: b) Using the file in question 3a, find out and display the total amount of ACGT substrings found in the first 2,000 lines in the file in question 3a Upload this Linux program to on the due date. ================================================================= ****************************************************** * USE WINDOWS TERMINAL MODE COMMANDS ONLY * * USE ANY EDITOR TO CREATE THE FOLLOWING PROGRAM * ****************************************************** 4 - Worth 0.50 points. - Using Windows terminal commands, create a Windows batch file named: yourLastNameFirstNameInitialWindowsPgm3.bat - Using a Windows editor, append the following data to your *.bat file USING MULTI-LINE COMMENTS (labels, goto) or single line comments: ******************************************************************** Author : Your Name Course : OS section. Example OS1, OS2 OS3, OS4 Professor : Michael Robinson Program # : Number and program Purpose/Description { A brief description of the program } Due Date : MM/DD/YYYY Certification: I hereby certify that this work is my own and none of it is the work of any other person. *********************************************************************/ 5) Worth 4 points. Using Windows batch. topic: Creating and using the variables FirstNumber and SecondNumber, Implement division by 0, with error trapping, using if and sumilating while loops Using the NOTEPAD editor, append to your *.bat file, all the commands needed so that when you execute your bat file, it will produce the following: How: a) using ANY Windows editor, append to your .bat file commands that will do the following: b) Append your name and CURRENT running date and time to a NEW file called results.txt "CURRENT running date" means, when the program is executed the CURRENT running time will be appended to your results.txt file c) Using the variables: FirstNumber and SecondNumber, use a while loop. d) Ask the user to enter the FirstNumber. e) If the user enters the value 1 for this FirstNumber, you must exit THIS Batch SECTION immediately. f) Ask the user to enter the SecondNumber. g) If the user enters the value 2 for this SecondNumber, you must exit THIS Windows batch SECTION immediately. h) If the SecondNumber is ZERO inform the user that you CAN NOT divide by ZERO, and ask for a correct SecondNumber only, KEEPING YOUR FirstNumber. i) If the SecondNumber is NOT a zero, divide FirstNumber by SecondNumber then display all numbers on this computation using labels, and append all numbers on this computation using labels to the results.txt file. example: 4 divided by 1 = 4 Rename your *bat file to *ba Upload your Windows *ba program to on the due date. 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