CGS 3767 Operating Systems - project 1 : pgm1_6cCGS3767OS Professor: Michael Robinson e-mail : Web Page : a - Download and install virtualbox in your (optional) laptop and/or FIU Lab computer b - Download and install Ubuntu as a virtual machine inside virtualbox c - Download and install Windows7 as a virtual machine inside virtualbox d - Download and install Java JDK inside Ubuntu and Windows7 in your virtualBox e - Make sure that java can be compiled and run in terminal mode in Linux and Windows NOTE: Watch this video: for detailed information about this assignment You can also get guidance in our Hardware Lab at PG6 #102 No appointments neccesary and ask questions in class USING TERMINAL MODE ONLY do the following: f - In your Ubuntu VM create a folder called pgm1 g - move into the pgm1 folder h - using a linux editor create a Java program that from the main menu will call two methods: 1) welcome 2) myNameIs i - At the welcome method display: Welcome to the OS for IT class j - At the myNameIs method display your full name k - In your Windows VM create a folder called pgm1 l - move into the pgm1 folder m - using a windows editor create a Java program that from the main menu will call two methods: 1) welcome 2) myNameIs n - At the welcome method display: Welcome to the OS for IT class m - At the myNameIs method display your full name Submitting your program - On the due date, upload to Moodle, your program 1 named as required in the syllabus. example: lastName + three letters of your first name + - Make sure the program is properly documented and aligned uniformally, looking professionally, I will take points off if it not. - Print your programs and bring them to class on the due date. !!!! MAKE SURE TO STAPLE YOUR PAGES OTHERWISE YOU LOSE .5 POINT !!!! NOTE: We recommend to use our FREE tutoring at our hardware lab PG6 #102 see schedule at