CGS 3767 Operating Systems - project 1 : pgm1d_5CGS3767OS Professor: Michael Robinson e-mail : Web Page : a - Download and install virtualbox in your laptop. It is already installed at the FIU Labs computers b - Download and install Ubuntu as a virtual machine inside virtualbox c - Download and install Windows7 or Windows 10 as a virtual machine inside virtualbox from the iso-images as explained in class NOTE: Watch this video, it is a step by step Server VM installation. You can also get guidance in our Hardware Lab at PG6 #102 No appointments needed. and ask questions in class d - Download and install Java JDK inside Ubuntu, Windows7 or Windows10 in your virtualBox NOTE: Make sure you learn all terminal mode commands to do the following: e - Make sure that your java version and your javac version are the same for all VMs, f - Make sure that java programs can be compiled and run in terminal mode in all Vms. g - USING TERMINAL MODE ONLY, an using my JAVA Programming Rules, located at: In EACH of your VMs, write a java program named: 1) Your last name+First letter of your first for Ubuntu example:, as follows: 2) Your last name+First letter of your first for Windows example:, as follows: h - In your Ubuntu VM do the following: 1) Create a folder called pgm1 2) Move into the pgm1 folder 3) Using a linux editor create a Java program that from the main method will call a new method named: processUbuntu 4) At the processUbunt method, call another new method named printMyUbuntuName passing your name. 5) At the printMyUbuntuName method display the data received from the processUbuntu method using the "System.out.printf" java command as shown in class. i - In your Windows VM do the following: 1) Create a folder called pgm1 2) Move into the pgm1 folder 3) Using a windows editor create a Java program that from the main method will call two methods: 4) welcome and myNameIs 5) At the welcome method display: Welcome to OS for IT, using the "System.out.printf" java method. 6) At the myNameIs method display your full name, using the "System.out.printf" java method. Submitting your program - ZIP the SOURCE CODE ONLY, from all your java programs from both VMs into one program called: Your last Name, first letter of your first name and On the due date, upload to Canvas, your ZIPPED program - Make sure the program is properly documented and aligned uniformally, looking professionally, I will take points off if it not. - Print your programs and bring them to class on the due date. !!!! MAKE SURE TO STAPLE YOUR PAGES OTHERWISE YOU LOSE .5 POINT !!!! - MAKE SURE YOUR PROGRAMS COMPILE AND EXECUTE NOTE: We recommend to use our FREE tutoring at our hardware lab PG6 #102 see schedule at