Program 2 : pgm2_6aCGS3767OS Class : CGS3767 Operating Systems Instructor : Michael Robinson e-mail : Worth 5 points For this assignment you can use your own laptop or the buffalo server provided by FIU. ALL WORK TO BE SUBMITTED IN CLASS OR THE LAB ************************************************************************** * WORK DONE AT REMOTE LOCATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED * * DO NOT USE EDITORS OR IDEs, TERMINAL MODE COMMANDS TO BE USED ONLY * ************************************************************************** a - Log into your Ubuntu virtual machine b - Create a folder called : program2 c - Move to your program2 folder d - Download into the program2 folder the following file: e - Create a Linux Script file called f - Change the access rigths of for your *.sh file to rwx Using terminal mode ONLY, insert into your *.sh file the commands that will do the following: g - Insert two empty lines h - Using line COMMENTS write the command to download the file in question "d" i - Insert one empty line j - Using block COMMENTS add the following documentation to your *.sh file: ********************************************************************* Author : Your Name Course : CGS 3767 days and time Program # : 2 Due Date : MM/DD/YYYY Certification: I hereby certify that this work is my own and none of it is the work of any other person. ********************************************************************* k - Insert one empty line l - In the same directory where your *.sh file is located, write the name of the file downloaded in question "d" with all its atributes, into a new file called pgm2stats.doc m - Write the name of your *.sh file with all its atributes into the pgm2stats.doc file n - In your sh file display "program two Starting" o - Create a directory called data in your current directory p - Find out how many words, records, and bytes are in the hs_alt_HuRef_chr10.fa file writing that information into a new file called Counting.dna to be located inside the data folder. q In the current directory write the first 5 lines of the Counting.dna file to a new file named TheNewFile.prn r - Merge the following files: TheNewFile.prn, Counting.dna and hs_alt_HuRef_chr10.fa into a new file called merging.dat located in the data folder. s - Write all records in the hs_alt_HuRef_chr10.fa file that contain the word GACT in a new file named gactAmts.dna in the current directory. t - Count the amount of "TT" substrings found in the gactAmts.dna file, and merge the count WITH LABELS into the merging.dat file u - Display the first 5 lines of the file merging.dat v - Display 2 empty lines w - Display the last 6 lines of the file merging.dat x - Display program two ended