program # 2i pgm2iCGS3767OS . This assignment is worth 10 points total, partial credit will be given, 1 - Worth 5 points In your Ubuntu VM (virtual machine), using terminal mode ONLY, do the following: Create the folder pgm2 In this folder place the text file located at: Each record in this file represents the location of an error found in RAM Assume you have a computer with 4 gigs of RAM, each gig in a different memory chip, therefore you have 4 one gig RAM chips. ---------decimal--------------- HINT: RAM chip 0 contain addresses: 0 - 8,589,934,584 bits RAM chip 1 contain addresses: 8,589,934,585 - 17,179,869,184 bits RAM chip 2 contain addresses: 17,179,869,185 - 25,769,803,768 bits RAM chip 3 contain addresses: 25,769,803,769 - 34,359,738,368 bits HINT: RAM chip 0 contain addresses: 0 - 1,073,741,823 bytes RAM chip 1 contain addresses: 1,073,741,824 - 2,147,483,648 bytes RAM chip 2 contain addresses: 2,147,483,647 - 3,221,225,471 bytes RAM chip 3 contain addresses: 3,221,225,472 - 4,294,967,296 bytes In the same folder, in terminal mode using an editor, create a Java program to do the following: - Open the text file - Read each record - Print the RAM memory chip where the error is located for each record *** CREATE YOUR OWN METHODS THAT WILL CONVERT HEX TO BINARY AND BINARY TO DECIMAL *** DO NOT USE JAVA'S AUTOMATIC CONVERSION METHODS 2 - Worth 2.5 points. Using Linux Shell Scripting. - Implement division by 0, with error trapping, using if and while commands, How: - NOT using editors, create a sh file named: yourLastName, firstNameInitial, - Set this *.sh file to: chmod 755 *.sh - NOT using editors, append your name, current date and time to a NEW file called results.txt - NOT using editors, append to the *.sh file, all the commands needed so that when you execute your sh file, this file will produce the following: - Using two variables: FirstNumber and LastNumber, use a while loop. - Ask the user to enter the first number. - Ask the user to enter the second number. - If the user enters the value 99 for the first or the second number, you must exit the while loop immediately, and terminate your *.sh program. - If the second number is ZERO inform the user that you CAN NOT divide by ZERO, and ask for a correct second number. - If the second number is NOT a zero, do the division, display all numbers on this computation using labels, and add the numbers to the results.txt file. example: 4 divided by 1 = 4 3 - Worth 2.5 points. Linux Shell Scripting. - NOT using editors, append to the *.sh file, all the commands needed so that when you execute your sh file, this file will produce the following: How: - Use a for loop from 1 to 100. - Find the results of calculating each number from (1 to 100 mod 5) + 3. - After the for loop ends, display the average for all previous results and append them to the results.txt file.