program # 3 pgm3c_5OS Professor: Michael Robinson e-mail : Web Page : This assignment is worth 6 points total, partial credit will be given, ***************************************************** * USE UBUNTU TERMINAL MODE COMMANDS ONLY * * DO NOT USE ANY EDITORS TO CREATE THIS PROGRAM * ***************************************************** 1) Using your name, create a file called ex: 2) Append to the above file the necessary commands that when this file is executed it will display the following: ************************************************** Author : Your Name Course : Course Name and Times Professor: Michael Robinson Program : Program Number, Purpose/Description A brief description of the program Due Date : mm/dd/yyyy I certify that this work is my own alone. ************************************************** and STOP, waiting for the user the press ANY KEY TO CONTINUE 3) Append to the previous file the necessary LINUX COMMANDS to display the following: a) Hello my name is: LINUX COMMANDS b) My user name is: LINUX COMMANDS c) Todays date and time is: LINUX COMMANDS d) This file has x lines LINUX COMMANDS e) This file has x words LINUX COMMANDS f) This file has x bytes LINUX COMMANDS g) Please enter any number LINUX COMMANDS h) Your number LINUX COMMANDS * 2 = XXX i) STOP, waiting for the user the press ANY KEY j) Display a new clean screen k) Ask Enter a line of numbers to be added LINUX COMMANDS L) Using the enhanced for loop, display all numbers entered, delaying the output of each number by 1 second each, then display the total of adding thoses numbers as follows: ex: 20 5 3 = 28 m) Using a while true loop, request, accept and display data until it ends on input mod 5 = 0 this uses if else Upload this program to Moodle and bring a printed and STAPLED copy of this program on the due date.