COP 3767 - Operating Systems Professor: Michael Robinson program # 3g pgm3gCGS3767os This program is worth 10 points total. Partial credit will be given. 1 - Worth 2.5 points. Using Windows Batch in command prompt. - Implement division by 0, with error trapping, using if and while() commands, How: - Append your name, current date and time to a NEW file called results.txt - Use a while loop. - If the user enters the value 999 for the first or the second number, you must exit the while loop immediately. - Ask the user to enter the first number. - Ask the user to enter the second number. - If the second number is ZERO inform the user and ask for a correct second number. - If the second number is NOT a zero, do the division, display all numbers in this computation using labels, and add them to the results.txt file. 2 - Worth 2.5 points. Using Windows Batch in command prompt. How: - Use a for loop from 1 to 100. - Find the results of calculating each number from (1 to 100 mod 3) + 5. - After the for loop ends, display the average for all previous results and append them to the results.txt file. 3 - Worth 2.5 points. Using Windows Batch in command prompt. - Create a batch file that when executed it will display. Making a pause between each command 1 - For the current computer a detailed configuration report produced for all interfaces, including any configured serial ports. 2 - Find's ip address. 3 - Show the active connections in the curret computer 4 - Find the routers used to reach 5 - NetBIOS Local Name Table. 4 - Worth 2.5 points. Using Linux Terminal Mode find: 1 - For the current computer a detailed configuration report produced for all interfaces. 2 - Find's ip address. 3 - Show the active connections in the curret computer. 4 - Find the routers used to reach 5 - The host command performs DNS lookups. Program submission ================== You need to submit: 1 ex: 1 LastNameFirstInitialpgm3.bat ex: RobinsonMpgm3.bat Make sure to rename the bat files to ba Zip all two files into one file and email it (the zip file). Do not forget to describe in your email's subject: Class Name, number or date-time, purpose ex: OS 1 pgm3 or OS 2 pgm3 Your email "From " must have your name Print the programs that you emailed and turn them into class on the due date.