program # 4 pgm4dgExCr_5OS Professor: Michael Robinson e-mail : Web Page : This assignment is worth 6 points total, partial credit will be given, ********************************************** * USE UBUNTU TERMINAL MODE COMMANDS ONLY * * USE ANY EDITORS TO CREATE THIS PROGRAM * ********************************************** Ubuntu is an Operating System that allows us to add commands to it. In Ubuntu terminal mode the man command gives us a manual describing how to use any of Ubuntu's terminal mode commands. example: man cat The man command in Ubuntu does NOT have a manual for womem, if we run the following command: man women the answer is: No manual entry for women This program 4 assignment is to create and add to the man command the manual for women. ******************************************************************************** ** PLEASE NAME YOUR women manual as follows: women+yourLastName+yourFirstName ** ** example: womenRobinsonMichael ** ******************************************************************************** Upload into CANVAS your women program/manual that will work with the man Ubuntu command. *** the women command that you created **** and Upload into CANVAS a separate document, explaining how you created this work and how I can install your women manual into my Ubuntu so that when I execute: man women I get the manual you created. Your manual MUST be respectful