Student _____________________________________________________ COP 3767 - Operating Systems Professor: Michael Robinson e-mail : program # 4i pgm4iCGS3767os This program is worth 10 points total; partial credit will be given. ************************************************** * * * ANSWERS SHOULD BE * * AS DISCUSSED IN CLASS * * CHECK YOUR CLASS NOTES INSTEAD OF GOOGLE * * * ************************************************** 1 - Worth 2 points List all commands shown on the nano screen and explain what each one of them do 2 - Worth 2 point Name 5 Types of current Servers and explain what are they used for 3 - Worth 1 point Name the most popular current data connectors for magnetic hard drives found in personal computers today 4 - Worth 1 point list the main differences between current (as explained in this class) a - Hubs b - Switches c - Routers 5 - Worth 1 point Internet2 (As explained in class) a - What is its current maximum speed b - What country has been building it c - What organizations are involved in its creation d - Can we have access to it from our homes today 6 - Worth 1 point a - Name the four Windows File Systems b - Name six Linux File Systems 8 - Worth 2 points a - Download to YOUR computer the file: b - Create a sh file called lastName + firstInitial + c - In the sh file of question b, Find out and display the total amount of TTT substrings found in the first 2,000 lines in the file in question a Program submission ================== You need to submit: 1 LastNameFirstInitialpgm4.txt ex: RobinsonMpgm4.txt 1 ex: Do not forget to describe in your email's subject: ex: OS 1 pgm4 Print the programs that you emailed and turn them into class on the due date.