Student Name ______________________________________ program pgm5a_5os Professor: Michael Robinson e-mail : Web Page : This assignment is worth 6 points total, partial credit will be given, *************************************************************************** * Answer all questions according to the material covered in class ONLY * *************************************************************************** 1 - Worth 1 point a) List three differences BETWEEN primary and secondary memories. b) What is the name of the most expensive memory c) What is the name of the least expensive memory 2 - Worth 1 point a) What is a File System, b) Name five (4) Linux File Systems c) Name four (4) Windows File Systems 3 - Worth 1 point a) Explain what is Swapping in Operating Systems is used for b) What is the main difference between super computers and blade computers. 4 - Worth 1 point a) How many bits does a nibble contain b) What is the largest decimal number in one Hexadecimal number 5 - Worth 1 point a) Name the two most popular current data connectors for magnetic hard drives, commonly found in personal computers today b) Name 4 parts that magnetic hard drives have, as discussed in class 6 - Worth 1 point Internet2 (As explained in class) a - What is its current maximum speed b - What country has been building it c - What organizations are involved in its creation d - Can we have access to it from our homes today Write the above questions and answers using an editor or word processor, print them and submit them at beginning of class. Upload this program to Moodle.