Program 1 cgs4854pgm1_5c1 CGS 4854 Website Construction and Management Professor: Michael Robinson e-mail : Web Page : ============================================ Worth 6 points (Partial credit will be given) --------------------------------------------- Purpose of this program: - Print the following header at the beginning of EVERY web page in the program: - In the FIU server, create a website using your topic of choice, except for: - Politics, Religion, Race, Sex or Drugs - Program must be done using terminal mode and editors ONLY, no IDEs or templates allowed. ALL CODE MUST BE ORIGINAL, no automatic tools or templates allowed. - Using the HTML language, use tables, borders, cellpadding, cellspacing, paragraphs, breaks, fonts, font colors, font sizes, graphics/images/pictures, hyperlinks, create 5 (five) webpages, to be accessed using hyperlinks menues, as follows: 1) Create a folder named includes located in the same folder where your index,html file is located. All pages for this program must be saved inside the includes folder. 2) Create a folder named images located in the same folder where your index,html file is located. All images for this program must be saved in the images folder. 3) Create your home page a) In your index.html file, in the title section place your last name, first Initial and page name your index.html page be knowm as: Home b) In your index.html file, create ONE CENTERED main menu consisting of one HTML hyperlink that will call your program one page (pgm1), located in the include folder c) You can add tittles, graphics, colors, borders, background etc, to your Home page as you wish 4) When you click on the main menu link called pgm1, located inside you index.html, it will call your pgm1.html located on the includes folder. Your pgm1 page should have one Html menu with five (5) hyperlinks, that will look like: example: Page1 Page2 Page3 Page4 Home . Each link, when pressed, will take you to: a) The Page1 link will load your page1.html located in the include folder b) The Page2 link will load your page2.html located in the include folder c) The Page3 link will load your page3.html located in the include folder d) The Page4 link will load your page4.html located in the include folder e) The Home link will load your Home page located in the public_html folder, known as index.html 5) page1, page2, page3 and page4. Each page MUST BE DIFFERENT and UNIQUE (UNIQUE means that all items in each page, can ONLY be used ONCE in the entire pgm1) Each page will have the following: a) Two UNIQUE graphics, each bringing you to your favorite website when the graphic is pressed. all web pages MUST be UNIQUE b) Using HTML tables, rows and columns, with border=1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5, cellpadding="3" and cellspacing="3", breaks and paragraphs tags, do the following: c) Write 3 (three) lines of any comments you want d) Use 3 (three) UNIQUE colors. Colors CAN NOT be black or white e) Use 3 (three) UNIQUE fonts. f) Use 3 (three) UNIQUE font sizes. g) On all pages, on the title section. display your Last Name, First Name, and Page Name Submitting your program - For Online Classes: Upload to Canvas and Moodle, your ZIPPED public_html folder, please rename it as required in the syllabus. example: lastName + First letter of your first name + pgm1, 2, 3, .... 5 + - Face to Face classes: Upload to Moodle, your ZIPPED public_html folder, please rename it as required in the syllabus. example: lastName + First letter of your first name + pgm1, 2, 3, .... 5 + - Make sure the program is properly documented and aligned uniformally, looking professionally, I will take points off if it not. - Make sure to include your URL name on the documentation section (0.50 points off if missing), example: URL : NOTE: We recommend to use our FREE tutoring at our hardware lab PG6 #102 see schedule at