Program 1 cgs4854pgm1_6a CGS 4854 Website Construction and Management Professor: Michael Robinson e-mail : Web Page : - Print the following header in every page/program: ****************************************************************************** * !!!!*** USE THE TOOLS THAT WE HAVE LEARNED IN OUR CLASS ONLY ***!!!! * ****************************************************************************** Submitting your program - Print and submit your stapled PHP source code only, at the beginning of class on due date. - Upload to Moodle your entire ZIPPED public_html folder, please name it as required in the syllabus. - Make sure the program is properly documented and aligned uniformally, looking professionally,
I will take points off if it not. Worth 5 points -------------- Purpose of this program: - In the FIU server, create a website with your topic of choice, except for: Politics, Religion, Race or Sex - Program must be done using terminal mode and editors ONLY, no IDEs or templates allowed. ALL CODE MUST BE ORIGINAL - When loading your page program one should display - The contents of page1 and page2 - Two hyperlinks: Page1 Page2 When you press Page1 it will call Page1.php When you press Page2 it will call Page2.php - Use: HTML, tables, paragraphs, breaks, and PHP - Inside public_html create the "includes" folder - Create at least three 3 pages, the index and two more pages, Using hyperlinks, the index page will call the two new php pages, located in the includes folder, using the php include command. Name these new pages, page 1 and page2 - On the title section, display, on all pages, your Last Name, First Name, and page name ex: Robinson, Michael page1 - In page1 do the following: - Create one table with one row - Inside the previous row, create three columns - Inside each column display the following: WELCOME TO WEBBING, respectively (find out the meaning of respectively) - Create a hyperlink to call page2 - In page2 do the following: Using whatever tools you have learned !!!!*** IN OUR CLASS ONLY ***!!!! Display in three different lines the folloging: Line 1 = We aligned to the left using courier 14 orange Line 2 = are aligned to the center using ariel 18 blue Line 3 = science aligned to the right using Times new roman 22 red - Create a hyperlink to call page1