Program 1 cgs4854pgm1e CGS 4854 - Website Construction and Management Professor: Michael Robinson e-mail : Web Page : - Results of this program will be taken in class in your laptop. If you do not have a laptop the results will be taken at FIU ECS 241 lab. - Bring a blank paper with the class name, time, program1 and your name Purpose of this program: - You can do this program in your laptop or FIU lab computers - Use netbeans making sure that it contains the Apache Tomcat server - Use the required book for this class: Guide to Web Development with Java - Do chapters 1 and 2 complete How: Follow the instructions on the class' website. In the title section there is a link that takes you to the book's sections. Select the first book and follow the Tutorials section. Do all steps in chapters 1 and 2. Results will be taken in class. If you do not have a laptop the results will be taken in FIU ECS 241 lab.