Program 2d CGS 4854 - Website Construction and Management Professor: Michael Robinson e-mail : Web Page : - Make sure the program is properly documented and aligned uniformally, looking professionally, - Include the following header in every program: <%-- *********************************************************************************** Author : Your Name Your URL : ocelot-aul.fiu/~__________ Course : CGS 4854 session, date, and time Program # : Assignment Purpose/Description {A brief description of the program } Due Date : MM/DD/YYYY Certification: I hereby certify that this work is my own and none of it is the work of any other person. ..........{ your signature }.......... ************************************************************************************** %> Purpose of this program: Extenting website with multiple pages using html and php, mySql, css How: - Connect to ocelot.aul.fiu mysql - Create a database called "students" - Create a table in the students DB with the the fields described in question 2 - Make the Panther ID the primary key - Make the Social Security field the secondary key Create a web application using an editor Worth 4 points *********************************************************** * * * make sure your name appears at the bottom of every page * * in New Times Roman size 20 color Red * * * *********************************************************** - From the index page using a new link call a page called students. - In the students page create text boxes to accept the following fields: Student Main Record: (this is a title on the screen) PantherID _____________ Emergency Contact First Name _____________ First Name _____________ Middle Name _____________ Middle Name _____________ Last Name _____________ Last Name _____________ Age _____________ Age _____________ Gender _____________ Gender _____________ Social Security _____________ Social Security _____________ Address1 _____________ Address1 _____________ Address2 _____________ Address2 _____________ City _____________ City _____________ State _____________ State _____________ Zip Code _____________ Zip Code _____________ Primary Tel # _____________ Primary Tel # _____________ Secondary Tel # _____________ Secondary Tel # _____________ Email _____________ Email _____________ Find Save Modify Delete __________comment line_____________ - Find, Save, Modify, Delete must be buttons - Create a display section called comment line to display the processes done. - Find. To find a record enter the Student's Panther ID and press the Find button, then pass the Panther ID using POST to the Database. If the record is found Display it in their appropiate fields/boxes, else display on the comment line "Record NOT found" - Save. If record is not FOUND in the the Database, enter all the information on the page and press Save, passing all data to the Database using POST, and display "Record Added" on the comment line. LEAVE all data in their appropiate fields/boxes. - Modify. If record is in the Database modify any field and save it pressing the Save button and passing the data to the Database using POST and display "Record Modified" on the comment line. LEAVE all data in their appropiate fields/boxes. - Delete. Find a record on the Database and delete it by pressing the Delete button, leave the data on the screen and display on the comments section on RED Record Deleted. LEAVE all data in their appropiate fields/boxes. This program will be presented/turned in at the lab. Print the pages to be turn in at the beggining of class.