Program cgs4854pgm3b_5 Worth 6 points CGS 4854 - Website Construction and Management Professor: Michael Robinson - Make sure the program is properly documented and aligned uniformally, looking professionally, - Include the following header in every page: <%-- *********************************************************************************** Author : Your Name Your URL : ocelot-aul.fiu/~__________ Course : WEB1, 2, 3 OR 4 Program Name : Asignment Purpose/Description {A brief description of the program } Due Date : MM/DD/YYYY Certification: I hereby certify that this work is my own and none of it is the work of any other person. ..........{ your signature }.......... ************************************************************************************** %> Purpose of this program 3: - Create this assignment using an editor only, NO TEMPLATES OR IDES ALLOWED. - To your main CSS menu add a new link called pgm3. Make sure to leave the functionally of program 1 and program 2 as it was turned in program 2. - Copy your program2.php to a new program called program3.php - Copy your controller2.php program to a new program called controller3.php - Place both programs in the includes folder - All the material for program 3 is new material, we are just extending the knowlegde from previous programs, In program3 will be using html, php, css and javascript - This is the front end look for program 3 In the following order: Your Company/Project Name (display area #1) ******************************* new main css menu ************************* Logged in: Sun Feb 26 2017 19:39:11 GMT-0500 (EST) Current Time: 19:39:20 Telephone # Telephone #_______ First Name First Name________ Last Name Last Name_________ Email Email_____________ ___________________________________ Requests | Requests | | | | | ------------------------------------- Samples Samples________[^] Preferences []CS []IT Miles o Under 20 o 20-30 ______Submit Comment Display area #2______ FIND SAVE MODIFY DELETE CLEAR ******************************* new main css menu ************************* Details: 1) Using this file: you will find the JAVASCRIPT code for the time clocks to be displayed under the top mainMenu Example: ******************************* new main css menu ************************* Logged in: Sun Feb 26 2017 19:39:11 GMT-0500 (EST) Current Time: 19:39:20 Modify this code to display the time clocks in ONE LINE ONLY, the first code aligned to the left, and the second code aligned to the right, as shown above. Use the following code for details for program 3: Special Instructions: - Additional code samples: 2) Using this file, as shown on the videos: create tool tips for EVERY LABEL in program 3 front end, including the buttons 3) Using this file, as shown on the videos: create a placeholder for EVERY input field as shown on program 3 front-end 4) MAKE SURE THAT YOUR FRONT END FRO PROGRAM 3 IS TOTALLY ALIGNED AS SHOWN ABOVE. CHOOSE YOUR OWN FIELD NAMES BASED ON YOUR WEBSITE TOPIC. When you press any of ALL the five(5) buttons (FIND, SAVE, MODIFY, DELETE, CLEAR), call a new page named Controller3.php, At the Controller3.php file, display the following: a - Display the main css3 menu. b - The name of ALL the input fields being passed, with the inputed data in pgm3. c - The name of the button pressed, example: **************************** new main css menu ************************* Telephone # 555-555-5555 First Name Joe Last Name Martinez Email Requests Non-Smoking area Sugar-Free diet Large Samples City of Miami Preferences IT Engineering Miles 20-30 this is the controller3 page, the XXXXX button was pressed. Test ALL five(5) above submit buttons (FIND, SAVE, MODIFY, DELETE, CLEAR). NOTE: DO NOT use the reset input type for the clear button, make it as a submit button. Please fix the errors from program2.php in program3.php, if any, Submission of program 3: 1 - For all classes except Online classes, print and STAPLED the NEW PHP pages ONLY and turn them in at the begining of class, when due. 2 - Please zip your public_html folder and rename it as follows: your last name, first initial of your first name, pgm3, zip and upload it to AND Blackboard for the ONLINE classes when this program is due, or before. If you have any questions, please 1 - Ask in class 2 - Ask during my office hours 3 - Ask our tutors at PG6 Room 102 Open M-F from Noon to 8 pm 4 - email me