Program #4k, cgs4854pgm4k CGS 4854 - Website Construction and Management Professor: Michael Robinson e-mail : Worth 10 points - Make sure the program is properly documented and aligned uniformally, looking professionally, - Include the following header in every page: <%-- *********************************************************************************** Author : Your Name Program : page name Purpose : {A brief description of the program } Your URL : ocelot-aul.fiu/~__________ Course : WEB 1 , 2, 3 OR 4 Due Date : MM/DD/YYYY Certification: I hereby certify that this work is my own and none of it is the work of any other person. ..........{ your signature }.......... ************************************************************************************** %> Purpose of this program: 1 - Create a new link called pgm4, to be added to the current main menu 2 - Add two new database tables, table1 and table2 a) Make table1 a copy of the table used in program3. b) On table2 create a primary key to match the primary key of your table1. c) Add 2 new fields to table2 3 - Copy your current Controller3.php a to new Controller4.php program 4 - Copy your current program3.php program to a new program4.php 5 - Modify Controller4.php to ALSO read database table2 and accept new data 6 - Modify program4.php to use/display the fields in table2 7 - Copy all buttons (find.php etc) with new names (find4.php etc) 8 - Modify new buttons to accomodate program 4 9 - Using JavaScript, on top of your screen, below the main menu display: Logged in at : Thu Jul 08 2015 09:06:55 GMT-0400 (EDT) Current Time : 9:07:29 The Current Time should be a current changing time see example code at: - Display on the top of program 4: Logged in at: Thu Jul 08 2015 09:06:55 GMT-0400 (EDT) Current Time: 9:07:29 both in one line, as shown above 10- In your laptop, or in a virtual machine in your FIU ECS 241 lab computer Install Apache Web Server, PHP and MySql using: LAMP for Linux or WAMP for Windows or MAMP for MAC See intructions for LAMP at: 11- Place ALL labels inside all input boxes in program4.php 12- Add to your main menu the link Contact US See all necessary code in my webpage at: Passing Data Using POST contactUS.php mailer.php mailerSubmitted.php Place all the data inputed by the users in contactUS.php into a new table called emails. 13- Add to main menu a new link called Leads When the user selects the Leads link, display all the data that was inputed in the contacUS link using submit buttons called: First Next Previous Last Submit this program by: - zip your public_html folder - rename it using you lastName, firstInitial, pgm4 - upload it to moodle