Program cgs4854pgm5b_5 Worth 6 points CGS 4854 - Website Construction and Management Professor: Michael Robinson - Make sure the program is properly documented and aligned uniformally, looking professionally, - Include the following header in every page: Purpose of this program: - To your main CSS menu add a new link called PGM5. Make sure to leave previous buttons and its contents as they were turned in for program 4. - Most material for program 5 is new material, we are just extending the knowlegde from program 4. - Please see program 5 details below the following pgm5 front-end ******************************* new main css menu ************************* Logged in: Sun Feb 26 2099 19:39:11 GMT-0500 (EST) Current Time: 19:39:20 Telephone # _____________ Last Name _____________ First Name _____________ Email _____________ Miles o Under 20 o 20-30 Preferences []CS []IT ____________________________________ Requests | Non-Smoking area | | Sugar-Free diet | | Large letter monitor | ------------------------------------- Samples _____________[^] ______Submit Comment Display area #2______ FIND SAVE MODIFY DELETE CLEAR HELP ABOUT CONTACT_ME LEADS EMAIL_ME ******************************* new main css menu ************************* - To program front end, add: 1 - To your submit button add the link: EMAIL_ME Details: 1 - Add Localized help by hovering over the field names to display clear help comments for all input fields shown in your program5, such as Telephone # First Name Last Name Email Miles Preferences Requests Samples Please see sample program at: 2 - On the input boxes of your program 5, insert the field names as shown in the example program at: Telephone Telephone____ First Name First Name___ Last Name Last Name____ Email Email________ Miles o Under 20 o 20-30 Preferences []CS []IT Samples Samples___[^] ___________________________________ Requests |Requests | | | | | ------------------------------------- Samples Samples______[^] Please see sample program at: 3 - To your submit buttons FIND SAVE MODIFY DELETE CLEAR HELP ABOUT CONTACT_ME LEADS add the following function: EMAIL_ME so it will look like this; FIND SAVE MODIFY DELETE CLEAR HELP ABOUT CONTACT_ME LEADS EMAIL_ME This new link EMAIL_ME, will do the following: a) As discussed in class, please use the code found in these pages: The source code of this page When pressing the EMAIL_ME button enter the information on its front-end so that when you presses "Submit" it will email ME (send that information to my email) b) Make sure to add tooltips and placeholders to your EMAIL_ME page Special Instructions: - Additional code samples: Print ONLY your EMAIL_ME and MAILER.PHP pages and turn them in at the begining of class. Upload to moodle a zipped copy of your public_html folder RENAMING it by adding your name and class number (WEB 1, 2, 3 or 4)