Program pgm4d2_5Web CGS 4854 - Website Construction and Management Professor: Michael Robinson e-mail : ****************************************************************************** * !!!!*** USE THE TOOLS THAT WE HAVE LEARNED IN OUR CLASS ONLY ***!!!! * ****************************************************************************** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Worth 6 Points - Make sure your program is properly documented and aligned uniformally, looking professionally, I will take points off if it is not. - Include the following documentation in EVERY web page: Purpose of this program: ------------------------------ - Create this assignment using an editor only, NO TEMPLATES OR IDES ALLOWED. - Extend your current website creating the new pages, described below, using html, css3, php, mySql and javascript. - Using tools shown ***** IN CLASS ONLY *****. Program 4: ---------- - Copy your program3.php into program4.php - Copy your Controller3.php into Controller4.php - Add a NEW link called program 4 to your CSS mainMenu.php, to display the following: program 1 program 2 program 3 program 4 home In this program extend your mainMenu.php dropdown menu, See examples at: Choose whatever colors, fonts and sizes you want, When you press the "program 4" link load a new page named program4.php displaying the following front end, in the following order: **** MAKE SURE YOUR Primary Key field is a Primary field regarless of what you call it, examples: Customer Number, Order Number, Panther ID, Email, Telephone, etc ====This is a Teaching Website==== Joe Smith ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Logged in: Sun Feb 26 2099 19:39:11 GMT-0500 (EST) Current Time: 19:39:20 pgm1 pgm2 pgm3 pgm4 home Primary Key ________________ Last Name _______________ First Name _______________ Zip _________ Comments ---------------- Major [] IT [] CS [] Robotics [] Law [] Cyber | | Coffee o Light o Cuban o Sweet o Dark o Decaf | | ---------------- Dropdowns ___________________^ $message Save Find Modify Delete Clear Contact_Me Help About pgm1 pgm2 pgm3 pgm4 home - MAKE SURE THAT YOUR FRONT END IS TOTALLY ALIGNED AS SHOWN ABOVE. - MAKE SURE TO HAVE THE SHOWN LINE SPACES ABOVE - On the title section display your last name, first name, Program 3 - When you press any of the first six(6) buttons (Save Find Modify Delete Clear Contact_Me), call a new page named Controller3.php, implementing each of the buttons as follows: ============ 1 - As shown above on the program 4 screen, using Javascript display in ONE LINE current time and date information such as: Logged in: Sun Feb 26 2099 19:39:11 GMT-0500 (EST) Current Time: 19:39:20 For detailed information please see: 2 - Add Localized help by hovering over the field names to display, clear help comments, for all input fields shown in your program4, such as Please see sample program at: 3 - On the input boxes of your program 4, insert the field names as shown in the example program at: 4 - On the buttons sections Save Find Modify Delete Clear Contact_Me Help About You will see two new commands Help and About The above commands will call the following programs to be created inside the includes folder, called by Controller4 - Help.php - About.php These programs will implement the following detailed instructions: a) HELP. When the HELP button is pressed on pgm4.php page, using Controller4.php, call Help.php which must be written in Javascript, it most be movable and resizable. see: The HELP program should contain information about how to use and what to expect when you press the following buttons: - Save - Find - Modify - Delete - Clear - Contact_Me - Help - About b) ABOUT. Using CSS3 create about.php describing your web page purpose see: Special Instructions: - Additional code samples: - In program 4, FIX the errors, if any, that you had in program one, two or three to avoid losing points again. Submission of program 4: ------------------------ 1 - Zip your public_html folder and rename it as follows: your last name, first initial of your first name, pgm3, zip and upload it to CANVAS, when this program is due, or before. If you have any questions, please 1 - email me 2 - Ask our FREE professional tutors at PG6 Room 102