Program pgm5c_5Web Worth 6 points CGS 4854 - Website Construction and Management Professor: Michael Robinson - Make sure the program is properly documented and aligned uniformally, looking professionally, - Include the following header in every page: Purpose of this program: - To your main CSS menu add a new link called PGM5. Make sure to leave previous buttons and its contents as they were turned in for program 4. - Some material for program 5 is new material, we are extending the knowlegde from program 4. - See program 5 front-end details below ******************************* new main css menu ************************* Logged in: Sun Feb 26 2099 19:39:11 GMT-0500 (EST) Current Time: 19:39:20 IN THIS SPACE DISPLAY THE FRONT END OF PROGRAM 4 ______Submit Comment Display area #2______ FIND SAVE MODIFY DELETE CLEAR HELP ABOUT CONTACT_ME LEADS LEADS_MANAGER ******************************* new main css menu ************************* DETAILS To the buttons line of your program 5 front-end add two new buttons: LEADS LEADS_MANAGER, FIND SAVE MODIFY DELETE CLEAR HELP ABOUT CONTACT_ME LEADS LEADS_MANAGER Make sure that all parts of program 4 are working correctly LEADS The leads front-end should looks like this: ******************************* new main css menu ************************* Logged in: Sun Feb 26 2099 19:39:11 GMT-0500 (EST) Current Time: 19:39:20 Telephone Telephone____ First Name First Name___ Last Name Last Name____ Email Email________ ______Submit Comment ______ SUBMIT CLEAR - Make sure that all input field names have "ToolTips" - In all input boxes add "placeholders" - At the ______Submit Comment ______ section display the primary key that was inputed/saved. - When you press the SUBMIT button, using LeadsController, create a sql table named LeadsTable and save the data inputed in the Leads program by the user LEADS_MANAGER The leads front-end should looks like this: ******************************* new main css menu ************************* Logged in: Sun Feb 26 2099 19:39:11 GMT-0500 (EST) Current Time: 19:39:20 Telephone Telephone____ First Name First Name___ Last Name Last Name____ Email Email________ ______Submit Comment ______ FIRST NEXT PREVIOUS LAST As explained in class, do the following: FIRST The FIRST button will access the first record (ordered in ascending order) from the LeadsTable NEXT The NEXT button will access the next record (ordered in ascending order) from the LeadsTable PREVIOUS The PREVIOUS button will access the previous record (ordered in ascending order) from the LeadsTable LAST The LAST button will access the last record (ordered in ascending order) from the LeadsTable Special Instructions: - Additional code samples: Upload to CANVAS and Moodle a zipped copy of your public_html folder RENAMING it by adding your name and class number (WEB 1, 2, 3, 4 or Online)