Program pgm5c_5Web CGS 4854 - Website Construction and Management Professor: Michael Robinson e-mail : Worth 6 Points - Make sure your program is properly documented and aligned uniformally, looking professionally I will take points off if it is not. - Include the following header in every web page, pgm5.php and Controller5.php: Purpose of this program: ------------------------------ - Create this assignment using an editor only, NO TEMPLATES OR IDES ALLOWED. - Extend your current website creating the new pages, described below, using html, css3, php, mySql and javascript - Using tools shown ***** IN CLASS ONLY *****. - In this program we will extend your mainMenu.php dropdown menu, See examples at: Choose whatever colors, fonts and sizes you want, Program 5: ---------- 1 - Add a NEW link called program 5 to your CSS mainMenu.php, to display the following: program 1 program 2 program 3 program 4 program 5 home When you press link "program 5" this link will load a new page named program5.php displaying the following front end, in the following order: !!!*** NOTE: Your first field on the front-end MUST BE YOUR PRIMARY KEY ***!!! Logged in: Sun Feb 26 2099 19:39:11 GMT-0500 (EST) Current Time: 19:39:20 Your Company/Project Name program 1 program 2 program 3 program 4 program 5 home Primary Key ___________________ Dropdowns ___________________^ Last Name ___________________ First Name ___________________ Major [] IT [] CS [] Robotics [] Business Email ___________________ Telephone ___________________ Coffee o American o Cuban o Colombian o Dark Comments ------------------- | | | | ------------------- $message Find Modify Save Delete Clear Help About Email_Me Contact_us Leads program 1 program 2 program 3 program 4 program 5 home - MAKE SURE THAT YOUR FRONT END IS TOTALLY ALIGNED AS SHOWN ABOVE. - MAKE SURE TO HAVE THE SHOWN LINE SPACES ABOVE 2 - On the title section display your last name, first name, Program 5 3 - Update help.php. When the HELP button is pressed on pgm5.php page, using Controller5.php, call Help.php which must be written in Javascript, it most be movable and resizable. see: The HELP program should contain information about how to use and what to expect when you press the following buttons: Find Modify Save Delete Clear Help About Email_Me Contact_us Leads 4 - When you press any of the following submit buttons (Contact_us Leads), call the new expanded page named Controller5php, implementing each of the previous buttons as follows: - Create the following programs, inside the includes folder, called by Controller5 - Contact_us.php - Leads.php These programs will implement the following detailed instructions: 5 - Create a new table called contacts with the fields described on question 6. 6 - Contact_US. Create the contact_us.php program that will allow us to save unique data to the contacts table (see question 5). This page should only have one SAVE button and one CLEAR button that clears the screen ONLY. **** NOTE **** Telephone IS THE PRIMARY KEY Your page should look like this: Logged in: Sun Feb 26 2099 19:39:11 GMT-0500 (EST) Current Time: 19:39:20 Your Company/Project Name program 1 program 2 program 3 program 4 program 5 home Contact_US Telephone ______________________ First Name ______________________ Last Name ______________________ Email ______________________ ______________________ Comments | | | | | | ---------------------- __Submit Comment Display area #2__ SUBMIT CLEAR **** NOTE **** Telephone IS THE PRIMARY KEY 7 - LEADS. Create the leads.php program to access the contacts table, allowing to move to and display to the following records: FIRST NEXT PREVIOUS LAST. **** NOTE **** Telephone IS THE PRIMARY KEY Your page should look like this: Logged in: Sun Feb 26 2099 19:39:11 GMT-0500 (EST) Current Time: 19:39:20 Your Company/Project Name program 1 program 2 program 3 program 4 program 5 home Leads Telephone ______________________ First Name ______________________ Last Name ______________________ Email ______________________ ______________________ Comments | | | | | | ---------------------- __Submit Comment Display area #2__ FIRST NEXT PREVIOUS LAST **** NOTE **** Telephone IS THE PRIMARY KEY FIRST. When the user presses the FIRST button, it will call, from leads.php the first record in the contacts file, to be displayed on leads.php (USING THE PRIMARY KEY) NEXT. When the user presses the NEXT button, it will call, from leads.php the next record in the contacts file, to be displayed on leads.php (USING THE PRIMARY KEY) PREVIOUS. When the user presses the PREVIOUS button, it will call, from leads.php the previous record in the contacts file, to be displayed on leads.php (USING THE PRIMARY KEY) LAST. When the user presses the LAST button, it will call, from leads.php the last record in the contacts file, to be displayed on leads.php (USING THE PRIMARY KEY) - In program 5, FIX the errors, if any, that you had in programs 2, 3 and 4 to avoid losing points again. Submission of program 5: ------------------------ 1 - Zip your public_html folder and rename it as follows: your last name, first initial of your first name, pgm4, zip and upload it to CANVAS, when this program is due, or before. If you have any questions, please 1 - email me 2 - Ask our FREE professional tutors at PG6 Room 102