mainMenu2 CSS Dropdown Michael Robinson

CGS4854 Website Construction and Management
Syllabus 2017 Spring

For the Following Class
CGS 4854-RVC (34013)

Book's WebSite

This is a Teaching Website, All Data Entry Samples are for Testing Purpose Only

Class Expectations

   COP3804 or COP3337 with a minimum grade of C.
  • Those who have less than a C in one of these classes will be dropped from the course during the first week of class.

   Class Type: 3 Credits, Core - Required

   Co-requisites: None    Goals

  • Attendance will be taken.
  • Not everything I teach in this class is in the book.

   Simple Rules
  • If you have any question, please email me and/or come to my office hours, and/or ask our FREE tutors at PG6 #102.

  • All programs MUST be accesible at

  • All pages MUST have titles such as:
    last name + first Name initial + pageName. Example: SmithJpage1

  • Your email MUST have your name on it.
    FIU, ElHombre, TheItGuy, etc are NOT accepted.

  • On your email's subject write:
    Your class name and email's purpose: WEB2 pgmX pageName

  • Upload to Moodle your zipped public_html folder ONLY.

  • Your programs must work as requested.

  • Pages with errors will loose points.

  • Programs turned in after the due date are NOT accepted.

  • Any modification to your grades MUST be done no later than ONE week after grades are posted on Canvas and/or Moodle.

Tools Required - FREE


5 Programs 6 points each  =  30 points
5 Quizzes  5 points each  =  25 points
Exam 1 .................  =  15 points
Exam 2 .................  =  15 points
Exam 3 .................  =  15 points
                  Totals  = 100 points

PASS                   GPA                         FAIL                   GPA
A  = 100-95   4.00         D = 69-51    1.00
A- =  94-90   3.67         F = 50-00    0.00
B+ =  89-86   3.33    
B  =  85-82   3.00    
B- =  81-78   2.67    
C+ =  77-74   2.33    
C  =  73-70   2.00    
At the end of the semester, I will round up your Final Grade, bringing it to the next highest integer

PG6 #102 Hardware Lab
No Appointments Needed

Mon-Thu  12 noon - 8 PM
Friday   12 noon - 5 PM
Saturday 12 noon - 4 PM

Scheduled Programs, Quizzes and Exams
Dates and Data below COULD BE MODIFIED

  • Program 1 - 6(six) points
    Due: Thursday February 9th, 2017
    From 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM max 1.5 consecutive hours.
  • Quiz 1 - 5(five) points
    Covering program 1 and class material on:
    Due: Thursday February 9th, 2017
    From 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM max 20 consecutive minutes.

  • Program 2 - 6(six) points >
    Due: Wednesday February 22nd, 2017
    From 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM max 1.5 consecutive hours.
  • Quiz 2 - 5(five) points
    Covering program 2 and class material on:
    Wednesday February 22nd, 2017
    From 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM max 20 consecutive minutes.

  • Exam 1       Friday March 3rd, 2017 (covering Programs 1 & 2, Quizzes 1 & 2 plus class material)
    From 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM max 1.15 consecutive hours.

  • Program 3 - 6(six) points
    Due: Sunday March 12th, 2017
    From 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM max 1.15 consecutive hours.
  • Quiz 3 - 5(five) points
    Covering program 3 and class material on:
    Sunday March 12th, 2017
    From 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM max 20 consecutive minutes.

  • Program 4 - 6(six) points
    Due: Sunday April 2nd, 2017
    From 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM max 1.5 consecutive hours.
  • Quiz 4 - 5(five) points
    Covering program 4 and class material on:
    Sunday April 2nd, 2017
    From 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM max 20 consecutive minutes.

  • Exam 2 PROCTORED
    Saturday April 8, 8AM to 11:59PM (latest possible appointment time should be 10:30pm EST) (covering Programs 1, 2 3 and 4 plus class material). 15 points

  • Program 5 - 6(six) points >
    Due: Sunday April 16th, 2017
    From 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM max 1.5 consecutive hours.
  • Quiz 5 - 5(five) points
    Covering program 5 and class material on:
    Sunday April 16th, 2017
    From 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM max 20 consecutive minutes.

  • Exam 3 PROCTORED
    Sunday April 23rd, 2017 @8AM to April 23rd, 2017 @11:59PM (latest possible appointment time should be 10:30pm EST), (Covering all programs, all exams and all class material). 15 Points

Below Topics and Sequence Could Be Modified

  Course Description:
  • The fundamentals of creating and maintaining a website.
  • Installation and maintenance of a web-server.
  • Techniques for building multimedia interactive web-pages.

  Required Text
    Web Development with Java
    Using Hibernate, JSPs and Servlets
    Downey, Tim
    ISBN: 978-1-84628-862-3

  Expected Course Outcomes
  • Be familiar with JSP
  • Master Servlets
  • Master the design of basic web pages
  • Be familiar with the use of CSS 1 style sheets
  • Be familiar with the configuration of the Apache Web Server

  Projected Schedule (COULD BE MODIFIED)
  1. Browser-Server Communication
  2. Front End : JSP - HTML

    Others Topics not Covered in the Book
  • MVC = Model View Controller
  • Front End, Controller, Back End
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Controllers
  • PHP
  • mySQL Databases
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • Advanced HTML and Form Elements (AS TIME ALLOWS)
  • -   Passing Variables Using the URL
  • -   Passing Hidden Variables
  • -   Contact US
  • -   Pop Up Help
  • -   Hovering localize Help
  • -   Placeholders
  • -   Leads
  • -   Data Search, First, Next, Previous, Last