====this is a teaching website====

mainMenu4 CSS Dropdown Michael Robinson
Fall 2022 Syllabus - Aug 22nd - Dec 3rd, 2022

CGS 4854-U01 (84612) Websiteconmgmt

TuTh 6:25PM 7:40PM PG6 144

Those who can, DO     Those who can DO more, TEACH

Below Dates and Data COULD BE MODIFIED

Class Expectations

   CGS3767 and COP3804 or COP3337 with a minimum grade of C.
  • Those who have less than a C in one of these classes will be dropped from the course during the first week of class.

   Class Type: 3 Credits, Core - Required

   Co-requisites: None

  • Some of my goals are:

  • Provide to all students the maximum support possible to make sure that all students achieve the best results in every one of my classes by, in addition to my office hours, offer the following additional FREE services.

  • Tutoring six (6) days a week (Monday thru Saturday)

  • Mentoring in and out of class about:

  •      Internships, Jobs, Resumes, Interviews, Career fairs, Carrer help in spot buiding

         Jobs at FIU as tutors and graders

         Our Scholarships Flit-Path mentoring

         Our Scholarships Flit-Gap mentoring

  • Scholarships FIU Internal and External

  • Free Certifications training

  • Free Hands-on Hardaware Traning and other services

  • If you have any suggestions, for me, to help you better, please let me know

  • Attendance will be taken on face 2 face classes.
  • Only material that is taught in this class will be accepted.
  • Not everything I teach in this class is in the book.

   Simple Rules
  • If you have any question, please email me and/or come to my office hours, and/or ask our FREE tutors at PG6 #102.

  • Working together on programs is PERMITTED, however, each program MUST BE UNIQUE, ALL PROGRAMS THAT ARE COPIES WILL GET A GRADE OF ZERO (0)

  • Your email MUST have your name on it. FIU, ElHombre, TheItGuy, etc are NOT accepted.

  • On your email's subject write:
    Your class name and email's purpose: Class name, pgm #, comments

  • Upload your programs to canvas.fiu.edu.

  • Your programs must work as requested.

  • Pages with errors will lose points.

  • Programs turned in after the due date are NOT accepted.

  • All work to be done using material taught in our class ONLY.

  • Any modification to your grades MUST be done no later than ONE week after grades are posted on Canvas.

  • if you have any issues with your grading, please circle the question(s) and return the assignment to me, within one week, so that I can re-grade it.

Below Topics and Sequence Could Be Modified

  No Required Text Book

  Course Description:
  • The fundamentals of creating and maintaining a website.
  • Installation and maintenance of a web-server.
  • Techniques for building multimedia interactive web-pages.

  Expected Course Outcomes
  • Be familiar with JSP
  • Master Servlets
  • Master the design of basic web pages
  • Be familiar with the use of CSS 1 style sheets
  • Be familiar with the configuration of the Apache Web Server

  Projected Schedule (COULD BE MODIFIED)
  • Front End, Controller, Back End
  • HTML
  • CSS Inline - Internal - External
  • Controllers
  • PHP
  • mySQL Databases
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • Advanced HTML and Form Elements (AS TIME ALLOWS)
  • -   Passing Variables Using the URL
  • -   Passing Hidden Variables
  • -   Contact US
  • -   Pop Up Help
  • -   Hovering localize Help
  • -   Placeholders
  • -   Leads
  • -   Data Search, First, Next, Previous, Last

    Hosting Your Website : At FIU (Required)
    Your website MUST be hosted at FIU's ocelot.aul.fiu.edu/~username Server
    Please create your website directly in our FIU server.
    Instructions will be given in class.

    At Your Own Computers (Recommended)
    Creating your own local host site, allows you to develop your website
    at your own computer before uploading it to FIU.
    No internet access is required to do your development.
    It also allows you to take your work with you at the end of the semester.

    You need to used the following free tools to host your website in your own
    local computer, BUT it is REQUIRED that you post/upload your website to
    our FIU ocelot.aul.fiu.edu/~usename server to be graded.

Windows : Wamp
    Allows you to create, in your local computer, a local Apache web server
    including HTML, PHP and mysql databases.
    No Internet access is required.
    Access to your website is allowed to your local computer only.

Linux : Lamp
    Allows you to create, in your local computer, a local Apache web server
    including HTML, PHP and mysql databases.
    No Internet access is required.
    Access to your website is allowed to your local computer only.

Mac : Mamp
    Allows you to create, in your local computer, a local Apache web server
    including HTML, PHP and mysql databases.
    No Internet access is required.
    Access to your website is allowed to your local computer only.

Tools Required - FREE

    Windows : PuTTY
    It also works in other Operating Systems such as Ubuntu
    Allows you to have full remote control of your FIU server
    Create Account:
  • At Host Name (or IP address) : serverName.cs.fiu.edu
  • Port : 22
  • Select SSH
  • Save Session : enter a name for this account

    Windows : WinSCP
    Allows you to Create/Delete/Upload/Download folders/files to/from
    your FIU server
    Create Account:
  • At Session Section on right side
  • Host name (or IP address) : serverName.cs.fiu.edu
  • Port number : 22
  • User name    : Your user name
  • File protocol : SFTP
  • Save session as : enter a name for this account

    Windows SSH : Terminal Mode
    Allows you to have full remote control of your FIU server
    It is under beta testing by Windows

    Linux or Windows or Mac or Solaris : Filezilla
    Allows you to Create/Delete/Upload/Download folders/files to/from your FIU server

    Linux : SecPanel
    Allows you to have full remote control of your FIU server
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install secpanel

    Linux or Mac or Solaris or Cel Phones SSH : Terminal Mode

    Allows you to have full remote control of your FIU server
  • ssh userName@ocelot.aul.fiu.edu
  • ssh -X userName@ocelot.aul.fiu.edu   allows Gedit loading

Academic Misconduct

Canvas Grading

We use Canvas as the Management System to do the following:
  • For students to upload all programs, and any other required work
  • Maintain all students grades, including current totals for each student grades
  • Please DO NOT TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THE COLUMNS NAMED WITH % done automatically by Canvas
  • My grades are based on 100 points. Every point is worth the same. I DO NOT DO/USE percentages
  • Please follow your total amount of points earned ONLY


Program 1 ............... =  10 points
Program 2 ............... =  10 points
Exam 1 .................  =  20 points
Program 3 ............... =  10 points
Exam 2 .................  =  20 points
Program 4 ............... =  10 points
Final Exam ......... ...  =  20 points
                  Totals  = 100 points

PASS                   GPA                         FAIL                   GPA
A  = 100-95   4.00         D = 69-51    1.00
A- =  94-90   3.67         F = 50-00    0.00
B+ =  89-86   3.33    
B  =  85-82   3.00    
B- =  81-78   2.67    
C+ =  77-74   2.33    
C  =  73-70   2.00    
At the end of the semester, I will round up your Final Grade, bringing it to the next highest integer

Assignments Documentation

Scheduled Programs, Quizzes and Exams

CGS 4854-U01 (84612) Websiteconmgm

Fall 2022 TuTh 6:25PM 7:40PM PG6 144

Below Dates and Data COULD BE MODIFIED