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COP 2250 Java Programming - Fall 2011 - Ref 82316 Section U05

Professor:    Michael Robinson
e-mail:         mrobi002@cs.fiu.edu
Web Page:  www.cs.fiu.edu/~mrobi002/teaching

Course Title       :  Programming in Java
Course Number :  COP 2250 REF 82316 SECTION U05
Credits               :  3

Catalog Description:
  A first course in programming for IT majors. Syntax and semantics of Java. Classes and Objects.
  Object-oriented program development. Not acceptable for credit for Computer Science majors.
  Will satify MIS programming language requirement.

Type of Class             : Required
Prerequisites Courses : None
Co-requisites Courses : None
Prerequisites Topics    : None

Starts : Tuesday    August     22, 2011
Ends  : Saturday   December 03, 2011

Time and Place: Tue and Thu 6:25 PM - 7:40 PM, Class Room ECS 134
Office Hours    : TBA

The last day to register for Fall 011 classes without incurring a $100 Late Registration Fee is Sunday, August 21th.
If the charge was incorrectly applied, you may petition the Office of the Registrar to have the charge waived.

The last day to add /drop courses is Monday, October 21th, 2011.

Required Text
  Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures;
  ISBN# 0-321-42102-7

Your textbook regular price is $124.00, you can find it used from $13.85 at Amazon,
Barnes & Nobles and others.

Expected Course Outcomes:
1. Be familiar with concepts of Objects and Classes.
2. Master the fundamental java data types.
3. Master the java selection and iteration constructs.
4. Master using String, ArrayList, and wrapper classes.
5. Master analyzing problems and writing java program solutions to
   those problems using the above features.


   5     METHODS
   3     DECISION STRUCTURES (SELECTIONS if else if, switch,..)

If you attend every class, you will have a better chance of learning the material of this

Not everything I teach in this class is in the book.

Class Policies: FIU Academic Affairs policy on academic dishonesty

3 Exams: 20 points each                                  =   60 points
5 Programming Assignments: 8 points each    =   40 points
Your grade, will be calculated as follows        = 100 points

                            A   100-95
                            A-    94-90
                            B+   89-87
                            B     86-83
                            B-    82-80
                            C+   79-76
                            C     75-70
                            C-    69-66
                            D+   65-60
                            D     59-56
                            D-    55-51
                            F      50-0

Important Dates
Exam 1: Thu 9/22/11 (covering ch 1, 6, 5, 2)
Exam 2: October 25th, 2011 (covering programs 1,2,3, and other material covered in class)
Exam 3: FINAL EXAM Dec 8th, 2011 THU 7:15-9:15PM

Assignment Due Dates
Assignments must be turned in at the start of class on the due dates.
I do not accept late assignments without a valid reason.

Programming Assignments
Assignment #1: Program 1 Due On Thursday, September 8th, 2011 at beginning of class.
Assignment #2: Program 2 Due On Tuesday, October 11th, 2011 at beginning of class.
Assignment #3: Program 3 Due On Thursday, October 20th, 2011 at beginning of class.
Assignment #4: Program 4 Due On Tuesday, November 15th, 2011 at beginning of class.
Assignment #5: Program 5 Due On Tuesday, Nov 22th, 2011 at beginning of class.

My goal is to make sure you learn, working together on programs is NOT PERMITTED,
if I notice that programs are similar I will start giving a quiz on the program the day it is due,
if your grades (program, quiz) are very different the final grade will the one of the quiz.

Include the following header in every program
Author     : Your Name
Course     : COP 2250 M-W 11:00 AM
Professor  : Michael Robinson
Program #: Program Purpose/Description
                   {A brief description of the program }
Due Date : MM/DD/YYYY

I hereby certify that this work is my own and none of it is the work of any other person.

..........{ your signature }..........

- DO NOT use any wordprocessor to write your programs.

- The computers in the ECS lab contain all the necessary programs for his course, you can also
   use your own computers, but you need to install the following FREE software:
   JDK Java Compiler
   Eclipse IDE or Netbeans IDE

- Eclipse for Java is an IDE system dedicated for Java programming.

- Netbeans IDE is very powerful, and has over 100 plugins to allow you to write programs
  for multiple languages.

- Windows and Linux users:
  To write your programs you can also use editors such as notepad, EditPad Pro, or gedit,
  however I recommend Eclipse or Netbeans.

Projected Schedule (could be modified)
Tue 8/23/11 Chapter 1 (Introduction to Computerss and Java)
Thu 8/25/11 Chapter 1, some 6 (Classes, first look)

Tue 8/30/11 Chapter some 6, 5 (Methods) using print statements
Thu 9/01/11 Chapter 5 Publish Program 1 (covering ch 6, 5)

Tue 9/06/11 Chapter 5 Methods passing parameters
Thu 9/08/11 Chapter 2 Data Types. Program 1 Due (covering ch 6, 5)

Tue 9/13/11 Chapter 2 Methods using Data types and String class
Thu 9/15/11 Chapter 3 (Decision Structures, Selections: if else if, switch..)

Tue 9/20/11 Review for Exam 1 (covering chapters 1, some 6, some 5 and 2)
Thu 9/22/11 EXAM 1 (covering chapters 1, some 6, some 5, and 2), Publish Program 2 (chapters 2, 3)

Tue 9/27/11 Chapter 3 Return Exam 1, graded, Chapter 3
Thu 9/29/11 Chapter 4 (Loops and Files - Iterations). Program 2 Due (covering ch 2, 3)

Tue 10/04/11 Chapter 4 Return Program 2, graded.
Thu 10/06/11 Chapter 8 Arrays (one dimension)

Tue 10/11/11 Chapter 8 Arrays (two dimensions)
Thu 10/13/11 Chapter 8 More Methods, Files

Tue 10/18/11 Chapter 9 Files
Thu 10/20/11 Chapter 9 Files, Numeric Format
                      Program 3 Due, Exam 2 Review, and go over Program 3.

Tue 10/25/11 EXAM 2 (covering programs 1,2,3, and other material covered in class).
Thu 10/27/11 Chapter 9 (Classes and Objects, second look at)

Tue 11/01/11 Chapter 9 (Classes and Objects, second look at)
Thu 11/03/11 Chapter 10 Text Processing and more about Wrapper Classes

Tue 11/08/11 Chapter 8 (Arrays and ArrayList Classes.)
Thu 11/10/11 Chapter 10

Tue 11/15/11 Chapter 10
Thu 11/17/11 Chapter 12

Tue 11/22/11 Chapter 8
Thu 11/24/11 Chapter Thanksgivings NO CLASS

Tue 11/29/11 Chapter 10
Thu 12/01/11 Chapter 12 (Exceptions and Stream I/O )

Tue 12/06/11 Chapter 12 Final Exam review (covering ch 9, 10, 11, 12)
Thu 12/08/11 FINAL EXAM Dec 8th, 2011 THU 7:15-9:15PM, ECS-134. (covering programs 1-5 and exams 1 and 2)

DATA TYPES          BYTES           MIN VAL          MAX VAL
CHAR                               1                       -128                       128
UNSIGNED CHAR          1                            0                       256
INT OR SHORT               2                 -32,768                   32,768
UNSIGNED SHORT        2                           0                   65,535
LONG                               4      -2,147,483,648      2,147,483,647
UNSIGNED LONG          4                            0       4,294,967,295
FLOAT                             4    -+1.701411E-38     -+1.701411E38
DOUBLE                                        -+1.0E-307             -+1.0E307

For example, 2.345E6 is equivalent to 2,345,000

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