COP-2270 - C for Engineering - COP2270pgm2_4Fall2021 Professor: Michael Robinson e-mail : Web Page : Program Name: COP2270pgm2_4Fall2021 This program is worth 10 points. Make sure your program is properly documented and aligned uniformally, looking professionally, I will take points off if it not. Purpose: Implementation of: a) functions b) if, else if, else c) for loops d) printf e) primitive types f) String class, char x[], with several functions g) single dimension arrays 1) In the main function a) Create the following variables: int i = 7; int j = 9; double x = 72.5; double y = -0.34; b) Passing the previous variables, call the following functions: processAbsoluteValues processRoundValues processCeilingValues processFlooringValues processMinimunValues processMaximunValues processTrigFunctionsValues (cos, sin, tan) processExponentialValues processLogValues processPowerValues processSquareRootsValues processRandomValues c) Create a single dimension array containing ONE index, which will have ONE string with your full name as follows: "first name $ middle name % last name and ONE space" Example: "George & Washington % Rodriguez " Note: if you do not have a middle name use MN as your middle name. 2) Create the previous functions, and in their corresponding functions, using the data received, implement the following Math functions: abs, round, ceil, floor, min, max, cos, sin, tan, exp, log, pow, sqr, random 3) Create a function called myName. Using the for loop, if, else if, else, ||, &&, printf, and any other command you want that we have learned in class, a) Examine each character of your name and determine if it is: a space, a vowel (a,e,i,o,u,A,E,I,O,U), a consonant (b,w,g, etc), the symbol % or the symbol $, and using the current value of x in your for loop print: character [x] located at position x is a consonant or character [x] located at position x is a vowel or character [x] located at position x is a space or character [x] located at position x is a symbol example: My name is [George $ Washington % Rodriguez] character [G] located at position 0 is a consonant character [e] located at position 1 is a vowel character [o] located at position 2 is a vowel character [r] located at position 3 is a consonant character [g] located at position 4 is a consonant character [e] located at position 5 is a vowel character [ ] located at position 6 is a space character [$] located at position 7 is a symbol character [ ] located at position 8 is a space character [W] located at position 9 is a consonant character [a] located at position 10 is a vowel character [s] located at position 11 is a consonant character [h] located at position 12 is a consonant character [i] located at position 13 is a vowel character [n] located at position 14 is a consonant character [g] located at position 15 is a consonant character [t] located at position 16 is a consonant character [o] located at position 17 is a vowel character [n] located at position 18 is a consonant character [ ] located at position 19 is a space character [%] located at position 20 is a symbol character [ ] located at position 21 is a space character [R] located at position 22 is a consonant character [o] located at position 23 is a vowel character [d] located at position 24 is a consonant character [r] located at position 25 is a consonant character [i] located at position 26 is a vowel character [g] located at position 27 is a consonant character [u] located at position 28 is a vowel character [e] located at position 29 is a vowel character [z] located at position 30 is a consonant character [ ] located at position 31 is a space 4) Create a function called pyramid. Using a for loop, display to the screen, the string containing your name so that each loop will NOT contain the first and the last character from the previous line, with the length of the string being printed, and the string surrounded by square brackes [] NOTE: Every function dealing with your name, MUST be called from main, PASSING your name to it. Example: 32 [George $ Washington % Rodriguez ] 30 [eorge $ Washington % Rodriguez] 28 [orge $ Washington % Rodrigue] 26 [rge $ Washington % Rodrigu] 24 [ge $ Washington % Rodrig] 22 [e $ Washington % Rodri] 20 [ $ Washington % Rodr] 18 [$ Washington % Rod] 16 [ Washington % Ro] 14 [Washington % R] 12 [ashington % ] 10 [shington %] 8 [hington ] 6 [ington] 4 [ngto] 2 [gt] 0 [] 5) In a function called parsing do the following: NOTE: Every function dealing with your name, MUST be called from main, PASSING your name to it. a) Print your name in upper case letters. b) Print your name in lower case letters. c) Print your name taking all spaces out. d) Print your name with all vowels in upper case, and all consonants in lower case. e) Print your name backwards. f) Print your name in ASCII values. Turn in the source code on paper, and upload your source code to CANVAS in the due date or before. Make sure the program is properly documented and aligned uniformally, looking professionally.