COP 2270 - C FOR ENGINEERS - COP2270pgm3_4Fall2021 Professor: Michael Robinson e-mail : Web Page : Topics: Multidimensional Arrays Parallel Arrays swap endless while loop, %, Documentation: 1) Worth 0.50 points. - Using ANSI C commands, create a program named: yourLastNameFirstNameInitial_ANSI_Cpgm3.c - USING MULTI-LINE COMMENTS ADD THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: ******************************************************************** Author : Your Name Course : COP2270 ANSI c Professor : Michael Robinson Program # : Number and program Purpose/Description { A brief description of the program } Due Date : MM/DD/YYYY Certification: I hereby certify that this work is my own and none of it is the work of any other person. ********************************************************************* 2) Worth 1 point From the main function pass 3 numbers to a function named ascending that will print these numbers in ascending order. Example if you pass (98, 234, 6) print 6 98 234 Do NOT use any built-in sort ANSI C funtion. 3) Worth 1.50 points Using a while(1) loop, print the upper case alphabeth and its corresponding ascii values, from Z to A Note: You must terminate/exit/break this loop once you process the last letter (A) 4) Worth 2 points - Create a two dimensional array of 10 rows by 10 columns, using x for rows and y for columns under the name: your lastName First letters of your firstName and 2DimArray example: robinsonM2DimArray - Load each index with the multiplication of its x and y location - Add all the values in columns 3, 5, and 7, and print the total - Add all the values in rows 2, 4, and 6, and print the total - Subtract the total values (rows-columns), and print the difference. 5) Worth 2 points Implement division by 0, with error trapping, using if and while() commands, make sure to use "casting" e.i. float result = (float)int/int; How: Using a while loop, read 2 numbers from the user. Using the if statement, test that the second number in not zero, if it is inform the user of the error, and ask for a correct second number. if the second number is NOT a zero, do the division, display all numbers and the computation using labels, the result MUST have 2 decimal places, example: "The first number 10 divided by the second number 5 is 2.00" To exit the while loop the user must enter the value 999 for the first or the second number. 6) Worth 1 point Using the loop of your choice display all numbers from 0 to 100 where "x mod 5 = 3". x means the loop number when doing a mod 5 to it, the answer is 3. x being any number between 0 and 100. 7) Worth 2 points Having the following TWO, ONE dimension arrays: one[0] = "This ANSI C "; two[0] = "class"; one[1] = "at "; two[1] = "FIU"; one[2] = "is "; two[2] = "challenging && enjoyable"; print the results in a parallel array format made with these two one dim arrays Submission of program 3: ------------------------ Upload your *.c program to CANVAS when this program is due, or before. If you have any questions, please Email me at anytime, at using your FIU email, or come to my office hours.