COP 3804 Intermediate Java - project 1 : pgm1c_5COP3804java2 Professor: Michael Robinson e-mail : Web Page : Program Purpose: To review Java 1 concepts, introduce and prepare for Java 2 topics. a - Using TERMINAL MODE ONLY in Windows, Linux or Apple create the program described below. b - Make sure that your program COMPILES AND RUNS without any warnings c - Follow my Java Programming Rules, located at: d - At the beginning of your program add the following: /********************************************************************* Author : Your Name Course : Java section. Professor : Michael Robinson Program # : Program Purpose/Description { A brief description of the program } Due Date : MM/DD/YYYY Certification: I hereby certify that this work is my own and none of it is the work of any other person. ..........{ your signature }.......... *********************************************************************/ e - Program must be named: ex: f - Make sure the program is properly documented and aligned uniformally, according to our "JAVA Programming Rules", discussed in class and located at: I will take points off if you do not follow the programming instructions. How to create java program: - Create your program using an editor such as: In Windows : notepad or notepad++ In Linux : gedit, nano, pico, vi or vim - Compile and run this program using the following commands: to compile : javac to run : java robinsonMpgm1 Program Purpose: 1 - Create a 15 x 15 two dimensional array of int data type 2 - Load each index in the array with the addition of each (row + column)*3 location 3 - Using System.out.printf display the content of each index, ALIGNED. 4 - Create an algorithm that will add all the odd values in all (x,y) locations, display the values of all odd locations and display 3 spaces in all even locations at the end display the total of all odd values leave blank spaces for all other location, display results, ALIGNED. 5 - Create an algorithm that will add all the even values in all (x,y) locations, leave blank spaces for all other location, display results, ALIGNED. display the values of all even locations and display 3 spaces in all odd locations at the end display the total of all even values 6 - Create an algorithm that will add all the values in all locations, display results How: - In the main method declare the two dimension array, section 1 above in ( Program Purpose: ) - From the main method, passing the two dimensions array, call a method named arrays - In the arrays method do section 2 above in ( Program Purpose: ) - from the arrays method call a unique method to implement section 3 above in ( Program Purpose: ) - from the arrays method call a unique method to implement section 4 above in ( Program Purpose: ) - from the arrays method call a unique method to implement section 5 above in ( Program Purpose: ) - from the arrays method call a unique method to implement section 6 above in ( Program Purpose: ) - from the arrays method return to the main method and printf your full name in a new line Program submission: - Upload your source code to your Canvas account, and turn in your signed source code on printed and stappled paper. - Fixing the javac problem - Goto terminal mode (run cmd) - dir \javac* /s - copy the directory where you found the javac.exe program - add the directory to your path as follows: path=directoryName;%path% Now you are ready to compile program