COP 3804 Intermediate Java - project 2 : pgm2_5aCOP3804java2 Professor: Michael Robinson e-mail : Web Page : a - Total points 6, partial credit will be given b - Using TERMINAL MODE ONLY, in Windows, Linux or Apple create the program described below. c - Since you are using terminal mode, make sure that Java JDK is installed MAKE SURE that your program does NOT have any warnings Java program: - At the beginning of your program add the following: /********************************************************************* Author : Your Name Course : Java 2 Professor : Michael Robinson Program # : 2 Purpose : Program Purpose/Description { A brief description of the program } Due Date : MM/DD/YYYY Certification: I hereby certify that this work is my own and none of it is the work of any other person. ..........{ your signature }.......... *********************************************************************/ - Program must be named: ex: - Make sure the program is properly documented and aligned uniformally, according to our "JAVA Programming Rules", discussed in class and located at: I will take points off if you do not follow the programming instructions. How to create java program: - If you are using terminal mode, create your program using an editor such as: In Windows : notepad In Linux : gedit, nano, pico, vi or vim - Compile and run this program using the following commands: to compile : javac to run : java robinsonMpgm1 Purpose of this program: 1 - Worth 3 points. - Implement division by 0, with error trapping, using if and while commands, How: - Using two variables: FirstNumber and LastNumber, use a while loop. - Ask the user to enter the first number. - Ask the user to enter the second number. - If the user enters the value 55 for the first or the second number, you must exit the while loop immediately, and terminate THIS PART 1 SECTION of your program. - If the second number is ZERO inform the user that you CAN NOT divide by ZERO, and ask for a correct second number. - If the second number is NOT a zero, do the division, display all numbers on this computation using labels, labels example: 4 divided by 1 = 4 2 - Worth 3 points. - Implementation of modulus commands How: - Use a for loop from 100 to 0. - Find the results of calculating each number from (100 to 0 mod 5) + 3. - After the for loop ends, display the average for all previous results and display the results using labels. labels example: The total of all computations is: The average of all computations is: How: - From the main method call the method to solve question 1, then return to the main method and call the method to solve question 2. Program submission: - Upload your source code to your Moodle account, and turn your printed and stapled source code on the due date.