Michael Robinson's Homepage
September 28, 2024, 7:16 am
Computer Science Research Lab

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Michael Robinson     Florida International University - Knight Foundation School of Computing and Information Sciences    

        Instructor   :   Michael Robinson
        e-mail        :   michael.robinson@fiu.edu
        Web Page   :  www.cs.fiu.edu/~mrobi002/Teaching
        Office        :  ECS 212 D

    Class Policies: FIU Academic Affairs policy on academic dishonesty

Future Semesters

My Teaching Schedule > Summer Term 2016 > Florida International Univ
May 16, 2016-Aug 5, 2016
CGS 3767-U01C (51581) Computer Os (Class Lecture) MoWeFr 12:00PM - 1:05PM TBA
CGS 3767-U02C (51862) Computer Os (Class Lecture) MoWeFr 6:15PM - 7:20PM TBA
CGS 4854-U01C (51310) Websiteconmgmt (Class Lecture) TuTh 4:35PM - 6:20PM TBA
CGS 4854-U02C (51844) Websiteconmgmt (Class Lecture) TuTh 6:30PM - 8:15PM TBA

My Teaching Schedule > Spring Term 2016 > Florida International Univ Jan 11, 2016-Apr 30, 2016
CGS 3767-U01 (18521) Computer Os (Class Lecture) MoWe 12:00PM - 1:15PM Engr & Comp Sci 138
CGS 3767-U02 (17800) Computer Os (Class Lecture) MoWe 6:25PM - 7:40PM Engr & Comp Sci 145
CGS 3767-U04 (18797) Computer Os (Class Lecture) MoWe 2:00PM - 3:15PM Engr & Comp Sci 138
CGS 4854-U01 (17802) Websiteconmgmt (Class Lecture) TuTh 5:00PM - 6:15PM Engr & Comp Sci 134
CGS 4854-U02 (17803) Websiteconmgmt (Class Lecture) TuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PM Engr & Comp Sci 136
CGS 4854-U03 (18587) Websiteconmgmt (Class Lecture) TuTh 7:50PM - 9:05PM Engr & Comp Sci 143

©2009-2099 Michael Robinson    ®