Program 1 ids3917pgm1_5a1 IDS 3917-U02 (25031) (Directed Individual Study) VIP Program - B Cyber Security Professor: Michael Robinson e-mail : Web Page : ============================================ Worth 6 points (Partial credit will be given) --------------------------------------------- At the benining of your report plese add the following: *************************************************************************************** Author : Your Name and names of the other group members Course : IDS3917 Professor : Michael Robinson Program # : Assignment Purpose/Description {A brief description of the program } Due Date : MM/DD/YYYY Certification: I hereby certify that this work is my own and none of it is the work of any other person. ..........{ your signature }.......... **************************************************************************************** Purpose of this program: - Create teams of 3 (three) students to work on the following - Workstations (ws) Hardware - Every groups gets its own computer. Please label your ws with the names of the group members - Take apart the ws into every single physical part allowed by each ws - Document every part including: - Manufacturer - Part Number - Part Name - Part Purpose - Specifications such as speed, storage size, etc - Put the ws back together - Find out what will take to upgrade you computer to make it into the most powerful possible per maufacturer information, check its white papers. - Get 3 (three) quotes to purchase the required parts to upgrade your ws - Write a report with the above information Submitting your program - Upload your results to Moodle, please name it as follows: example: lastName + firstName + pgm1, 2, 3, .... 5