IDS 3917 - IDS 3917-U02 (25031) (Directed Individual Study) VIP Program - B Cyber Security Professor: Michael Robinson program # 3 pgm3a_5IDS3917 This program is worth 6 points total. Partial credit will be given. 1 - Worth 1 point. a) Write the commands that will display the static ip address for b) Write the commands that will display all your files in your hard disk ending on .java 2 - Worth 1 point. a) Write the commands that will display the total amount of files ending on .java on your entire hard disk b) Using regular expressions, write the commands that will display all files on your current directory, with all attributes, containing the letter p or A in the file name 3 - Worth 1 point. a) Write the commands that will display all the hops it takes to reach, from your computer, the website, b) Write the command(s) that will performs DNS lookups displaying domain names and associated IP address 4 - Worth 1 point. a) Write the commands that will display your computer's current network interfaces showing their current active ip addresses b) Write the commands that will display the name of all the current network interfaces, in your computer, that are NOT currently connected 5 - Worth 1 point. a) Run command to listen to your computer's ports, as learned in class, such as: tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1315/mongod tcp6 0 0 :::139 :::* LISTEN 1079/smbd udp 0 0* 714/avahi-daemon: r udp6 0 0 :::48054 :::* 714/avahi-daemon: r b) Write the commands that will display lines with anything not a letter or number in a text file 6 - Worth 1 point. a) Write the commands that will display lines containing letters a thru z and A thru Z in a text file b) Write the commands that will display lines with numbers only using the following format xxx-xxx-xxxx found in a text file Program submission ================== Upload your program text file to moodle Print program text file and turn it into class on the due date. DON'T FORGET STAPLING.