//An instance of this class representa a college student with 4 state attributes // 1: **** student's name // This attribute is provided when the instance is constructed and is final // 2: **** course record // An aggregation of information for each course completed by this student // including course number, course credits, and the student's letter grade // For example- COP2210 (4) A // ENC1101 (4) D // MAC2311 (3) B // Initially, the course record is simply an empty String // 3: **** total earned credits // The total of the credits for all courses completed by this student // For the course-record shown above, 4 + 4 + 3 = 11 // Initially, the total earned credits is 0 // 4: **** total grade points // The total of the grade points for all courses completed by this student // For each course, the product course-credits x points for the course grade // For the course-record shown above, 4 x 4 + 4 x 1 + 3 x 2 = 26 // Initially, the total grade points is 0 // //The public interface provides // a: A constructor // b: An accessor method for each instance/state variable // c: A mutator to update the course record (earned credits and grade points): // void update (CollegeCourse course, LetterGrade grade) // d: A toString() method to return a printable image of the CollegeStudent // public class CollegeStudent { //Instance (State) Variables //Constructor: Initializes the state of this CollegeStudent public CollegeStudent(String name) { } //Accessors //Mutator: Updates the state of this CollegeStudent //@Parameter course : A CollegeCourse completed by this CollegeStudent //@Parameter grade : The LetterGrade earned by completing the course public void update() { } //Returns a printable description of the state of this CollegeStudent public String toString() { return super.toString(); } }