import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.ArrayList; public class MazeGrid { //Instance Variables private int maxRow; //Highest index of any row in the maze grid private int maxCol; //Highest index of any column in the maze grid private SquareState[][] grid; //Constructor //Pre-condition: source has been initialized to scan a maze input file //Post-condition: the grid has been initialized with all OPEN or BLOCKED // squares to reflect the description given in the maze input file public MazeGrid(Scanner source) { } //Accessors: allow the state of an indicated square to be queried public boolean isOpen(Position square) { return false; } public boolean isBlocked(Position square) { return false; } public boolean isSelected(Position square) { return false; } public boolean isRejected(Position square) { return false; } //Accessor //Return true iff a given Position is a legitimate Position in the maze grid public boolean isInBounds(Position square) { return false; } //Accessor //Return true iff a given Position is on the boundary of the maze grid public boolean isOnBoundary(Position square) { return false; } //Mutator //Change the state of a square at a given Position in the maze grid public void setState(Position square, SquareState state) { } }