import java.util.*; public class PlayingCardDeck { public static final int NUMBER_OF_CARDS = PlayingCard.NUMBER_OF_SUITS * PlayingCard.NUMBER_OF_RANKS ; //Instance Variables private boolean[] deck; //deck[i] true IFF card-i is in the deck private int numberOfCardsInDeck; //# cards currently in the deck //Constructor public PlayingCardDeck() { } //Accessor public int getNumberOfCardsInDeck() { return this.numberOfCardsInDeck; } //Mutator: // Return all 52 PlayingCards to this PlayingCardDeck public void shuffle() { } //Mutator: // Return a randomly selected PlayingCard from this PlayingCardDeck // Update the state of this PlayingCardDeck to reflect removal of // the selected PlayingCard // Exception thrown if this PlayingCardDeck is "empty" public PlayingCard deal() { if ( false ) throw new RuntimeException("Empty Deck"); return new PlayingCard(PlayingCard.Suit.SPADES, PlayingCard.Rank.DEUCE); } }