CAP4770 Introduction to Data Mining

Spring 2017

Course Calendar (tentative)

Class # Date Lecture Reading Assignments
Week 1
1 1/10 Introduction & Logistics Ch. 1.1-1.4
2 1/12 Data Mining Applications Ch. 1.5-1.8 Project 0 (Due 1/19)
Week 2
3 1/17 Weka 1. Introduction to WEKA
2. Weka (Tutorial) (Data Processing with Weka)
3. Datasets in Weka Arff Formats
Bring your laptop to class.
4 1/19 Weka Practice Bring your laptop to class. Weka exercise on Moodle (Due: 1/26)
Week 3
5 1/24 Understanding Data Ch. 2.1-2.3
6 1/26 Understanding Data: Measuring Data Similarity 2.4 Homework (Due 2/9)
Week 4
7 1/31 Data Preprocessing Ch. 3.1-3.3
8 2/2 Data Preprocessing Ch. 3.4-3.6
Week 5
9 2/7 Mining Frequent Patterns 5.1-5.2
10 2/9 Association Rule Mining: Apriori Algorithm 5.3 Project 1 (Due: 2/21)
Week 6
11 2/14 No class. Instructor will be traveling.
12 2/16 Association Rule Mining: FP Growth 5.3
Week 7
13 2/21 Assocation Rule Mining: Interestingness Measures 6.1-6.3
14 2/23 Classification: Decision Tree 6.4 Project 2 (Due: 3/16)
Week 8
15 2/28 No class. 6.6
16 3/2 Classification: Bayesian 6.9
Week 9
17 3/7 Classification: Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines & Nearest Neighbors 6.12-15
18 3/9 Classification: Evaluation Metrics
Week 10
19 3/14 No Class in Spring Break
20 3/16 No Class in Spring Break
Week 11
21 3/21 No class. Midterm Self-Review.
22 3/23 Midterm Exam Final Project (Due: 4/27)
Week 12
23 3/28 Midterm Question Review Project 3: Clustering (Optional) (Due: 4/13)
24 3/30 Deep Learning
Week 13
25 4/4 Clustering: Introduction, Partitioning Methods (Student Presentation) 10.1-2
26 4/6 Clustering: Hierarchical Methods (Student Presentation) 10.3
Week 14
27 4/11 Clustering: Density-based Methods (Student Presentation) 10.4
28 4/13 Deep Learning: TensorFlow (Guest Lecture) 12.1-12.3
Week 15
29 4/18 No class. Work on Final Project.
30 4/20 No class. Work on Final Project.
Week 16
31 4/27 Final Project Presentation (6:25pm-10:00pm)