import; import java.util.Scanner; public class DataSetTester { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner in = new Scanner(; DataSetReader reader = new DataSetReader(); boolean done = false; while (!done) { System.out.print("\nPlease enter the file name: ") ; String filename =; try { // call readFile to open and process file double[] data = reader.readFile(filename) ; //here only if no exceptions in readFile or methods called by it double sum = 0 ; for (double d : data) sum = sum + d ; System.out.println("The sum is " + sum); done = true ; // to exit loop } // catching superclass of FileNotFoundException catch (IOException exception) { System.out.println(exception.toString()) ; } // catching programmer-defined BadDataException catch (BadDataException exception) { System.out.println(exception.toString()) ; } } } } /* Sample output: Please enter the file name: bad1.dat BadDataException: Unexpected end-of-file Please enter the file name: bad2.dat BadDataException: First record must be a valid int. Found: ten Please enter the file name: bad3.dat BadDataException: Need valid double! Found: one (in record #2) Please enter the file name: bad4.dat BadDataException: End of file expected Please enter the file name: good1.dat good1.dat (The system cannot find the file specified) Please enter the file name: good.dat The sum is 55.0 */