// File: LinkedListDemo.java // Shows Collections methods sort(), reverse(), shuffle(), binarySearch(), // min(), and max(), and how to use the value returned by binarySearch() // to insert an object in its proper place in a sorted list if it is not // already in the list // Also, the "enhanced" for statement (aka: "for each") import java.util.*; // for Collections, List, LinkedList public class LinkedListDemo { // note that parameter is type List, so accepts ArrayList or LinkedList // argument. If efficiency is important, can use one or the other. public static void printList( List list ) { for (String current : list) // for each item on list... { System.out.print ( current + " " ) ; } System.out.println('\n') ; } public static void main( String args[] ) { String collections1[] = { "stamps", "baseball cards", "coins" } ; String collections2[] = { "Barbie dolls", "butterflies" } ; LinkedList collectables = new LinkedList( Arrays.asList(collections1) ) ; // could have declared: ArrayList collectables = ... System.out.println("printing original list...") ; printList(collectables) ; collectables.addAll( Arrays.asList(collections2) ) ; System.out.println("printing list after concatenation...") ; printList(collectables) ; Collections.reverse(collectables) ; System.out.println("printing list after reverse...") ; printList(collectables) ; Collections.shuffle(collectables) ; System.out.println("printing list after shuffle...") ; printList(collectables) ; System.out.println("smallest value in the list is: " + Collections.min(collectables) + '\n') ; System.out.println("largest value in the list is: " + Collections.max(collectables) + '\n') ; Collections.sort(collectables) ; System.out.println("printing list after sort...") ; printList(collectables) ; // use binarySearch() and add() to insert an object at its // proper place in a sorted list int pos = Collections.binarySearch( collectables, "coupons") ; System.out.println("search for \"coupons\" returns " + pos) ; if (pos < 0) // if not found { collectables.add( -(pos+1), "coupons" ) ; System.out.println("\nprinting list after inserting \"coupons\"...") ; printList(collectables) ; } } } /* program output: printing original list... stamps baseball cards coins printing list after concatenation... stamps baseball cards coins Barbie dolls butterflies printing list after reverse... butterflies Barbie dolls coins baseball cards stamps printing list after shuffle... coins baseball cards Barbie dolls stamps butterflies smallest value in the list is: Barbie dolls largest value in the list is: stamps printing list after sort... Barbie dolls baseball cards butterflies coins stamps search for "coupons" returns -5 printing list after inserting "coupons"... Barbie dolls baseball cards butterflies coins coupons stamps */