import java.util.ArrayList; // A player's hand of NumberTiles public class Hand { private ArrayList hand ; private final static int INITIAL_SIZE = 5 ; // starting hand size // Creates a new hand of INITIAL_SIZE NumberTiles public Hand() { // TO DO: Code the body of this method } // Get the NumberTile at the specified index in this Hand public NumberTile get(int index) { // TO DO: Code the body of this method // temporary return statement so program skeleton will compile and run return null ; } // Get the number of tiles in this Hand public int getSize() { // TO DO: Code the body of this method // temporary return statement so program skeleton will compile and run return -999 ; } // Add a new NumberTile to this Hand public void addTile() { // TO DO: Code the body of this method } // Remove the NumberTile at the specified index from this Hand public void removeTile(int index) { // TO DO: Code the body of this method } // Is this hand empty? public boolean isEmpty() { // TO DO: Code the body of this method // temporary return statement so program skeleton will compile and run return false ; } // Return this Hand as a multiline String. // If this Hand is empty, return an appropriate message public String toString() { // TO DO: Code the body of this method // temporary return statement so program skeleton will compile and run return "The hand" ; } }